I'm not an idiot to fall for that, bed head

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3rd person pov


"time to wake up."

"come on emma, it's 5:40"


"emma if you wake up, i'll play tag with you."


"...and i'll actually try this time."


"yayyyyyyyyyyy get up"

"Okieee fineeeee"


[y/n] walked down the hall to be greeted with Conny, and her dear little bunny.

"Good morwning [y/n]!" She cheered.

[y/n] knew Conny all too well and she knew that if she didn't respond, she'd cry....because it happened before.

"hello conny, small rabbit." She tried her best not to walk away from the conversation, go to Emma, and tell her to deal with the situation.

"[y/n], could you pwease tie my shoe? I forgot how toooooooo." She asked while [y/n] was internally crying by how cute she was being and how she just wanted to eat.

"...just this once because small rabbit is looking at me funny."

[y/n] really did love all of her siblings, but she forgot how to love. She forgot how to show emotions. And she hated herself for it.

"YAYYYYYY! THANK YOU SWO MOUCH, [Y/N]!!!" Conny cheered, as [y/n] went down on one knee and tied her brown boots. This house she lives in can be very chaotic.

Emma squealed behind [y/n], jumping up and down.

"yes emma, what is it now?" [y/n] questioned why Emma was acting like a fan girl.

"BECAUSE YOU JUST SHOWED AFFECTIONNNNNNNN" Emma squealed yet again, causing [y/n] to stand up and brush off her knees before showing Emma a blank face.

"no, i was simply helping my sibling because i don't want her to start crying again like last time. i simply want to go eat my breakfast and not start a ruckus." She deadpanned as Emma pouted.

"Awww dang it I thought [y/n] was showing some emotionssssss" Emma complained while [y/n] patted her head.

"just give up already about me. you have been trying for seven years already, i'm a lost cause." [y/n] explained.

"Wait, why did you stop showing your feelings anyway?" She questioned while some of the older kids gathered behind the corner to listen to [y/n]'s answer. (Including Ray)

"you've got three chances. guess." [y/n] challenged while Emma put a finger on her chin to guess. The tension was growing, for the two girls, and the kids behind the corner which now everyone was listening in... even Mama.

"You got so invested in acing your tests, you became an emotionless working machine!" Emma guessed. This was one of the houses best guess.


"Uhhhhh you got a really bad nightmare and it haunted you so much, you showed no emotion in fear of it coming true!" This was another one of the top guesses in the house.

"not even close."

"UM YOU JUST HAD A REALLY BAD FEVER AND IN ORDER TO TAKE IN AWAY, YOU HAD TO SACRIFICE YOUR EMOTIONAL SIDE!!!" ...this was not one of the top guesses in the house, Emma just got pressured. Almost all of the kids listening in faceplamed in disappointment that Emma wasted a chance to figure out [y/n].

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