On The Walkie

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ok don't judge yet, there's a reason, but...

Thoma pov :0

Thinking. Thinking. Ever since [y/n] handed me a note when we were making flower crowns, all I've been doing is just thinking. Should I open it? Give it to Emma? 

All she did when she passed it to me is smile softly. I think... I should open it with Lannion. That's the best way, and its not like he doesn't know either. 

The note in my pocket, and a goal set in my mind, I strutted down the halls. Opening the door to the outside, I found Lannion near one of the trees, probably designing a new rocket for us to use. I walked up to him, "I need to talk to you deeper in the forest." with the most determined voice i could muster. 

"Sure!" he smiled as he stood up and ran into the forest, as I quickly followed. 

Once we found a spot, he turned out me with a worried expression. 

"What's wrong?" He frowned as we both sat down. 

I pulled out the note from my pocket, showing it to him. "She handed me this, so I want us to open it together." I told him as he nodded in excitement. 

As we unfolded the little paper, the anticipation rose. What could have been so important, that she had to give it to us instead of Ray or maybe Emma?

'hey, thoma. you probably brought lannion with you, am i right? if so, hello to you too, lannion. here's what's up. i need you two to go upstairs and into the drawer next to my bed. pull out the first drawer and stick a pencil under it, and there'll be a hidden compartment. Change the radio to 78, k? be sure to do this during the night, and head on the roof when you change the station. I put a piece of tape where you guys'll sit. that's all. bye.'

We both slowly turned to each other, determined looks on both of our faces. 


Midnight. The clock reads midnight. I quietly jumped out of bed, and creeped into the hallway, where Lannion and I were supposed to meet when it was midnight. 

Lannion came, and even up close, i couldn't see him. It really was dark this time of the night.

"Let's go!" I whisper yelled as he nodded. 

We entered her room, being as quiet as we could, not to wake up any of the siblings sleeping. We followed her instructions, and just like she said, there was a hidden compartment. 

Lannion helped me lift the board, and inside was a wakie. It looked years old, as if it had been sitting there for that long too. 

We walked out and in the hallway, there was a light, which had allowed me to see how zombie-ish Lannion looked.

"Why do you look like you just came back from a war?" I asked as we began our climb to the roof.

"I'm not used to staying up this late! Staying up isn't healthy— not to mention, its not good for complexion!" Lannion whisper yelled, as I giggled at his remark. 

"If you can't even stay up late, how do you think you'll do out in the real world?" I scolded as we reached the rooftop, now looking for the tape. 

"I guess your right..." Lannion bashfully smiled, right before pointing, "There! I see it! And another note, too!"

We both ran over to the tape, quickly unfolding the piece of paper next to it.

'good job. you two aren't completely useless. [not in a bad way]  i had you two sit on this tape because its right above you two's room. so if mama looked on her tracker thing, it would look like you two were right in bed. now, turn on the radio on the walkie and change it to 78. bye B:p'

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