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3rd pov

[y/n] turned off the walkie immediately after, and shoved it back into the drawer.

She took another deep breath.

'jeez. the one place i didn't want him to go to.'

She walked out the room.
Down the stairs.
Into the infirmary.
To the middle bed.

And sat next to a pale Emma.

"hey..." [y/n] placed her hand on her shoulder, "how you holding up..?"

No response.

"i'm sure he's doing fine.." [y/n] rubbed her back.

No response.

"you know i'm not too good with making people feel better..."

No response.

[y/n] sighed as she stood up. 

She then grabbed Emma and hugged her tight. As if it was the last time she could see her.

"i'll miss you... emma." [y/n] muttered as she griped Emma tighter, "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry.."

As [y/n] left, Emma just sat there.

'Why... is she sorry?' She asked herself, not like she could get the answer.


[y/n] walked down the halls, her fists griped in tight balls, with only one thing on her mind.

She heard the front door open and close, and her siblings stomps to bed.

"mama." [y/n] called out sternly to the woman.

Mama walked towards her in response, a soft look in her eyes.

"i have some matters to discuss with you. let's bring it to your office, ok?" [y/n] asked her caretaker, a shadow covering her eyes.

"Alright dear.." Mama smiled hesitantly, as she led the way to her office.


"Now what was the reason for this discussion?" Mama smiled as she sat down in her chair.

"cut the bullsh*t." [y/n] replied coldly, "let's not forget the fact that i only have so many hours left to live."

"Alright." Mama's aura turned more serious, "What did you need?"

"rule number twenty-seven: on the week of the child's death, they must be locked up for at least two days, taking a total of thirty-two tests. In an event where they completed more, they would be granted three requests." [y/n] recited, as Mama's eyes widened.

"Where did you get that from, my dear?" Mama leaned closer to the desk.

"that handbook that was given to you when i turned seven. the one for the special instructions for premium quality?" [y/n]'s words seamed to have shocked Mama even more.

"How? I burned it the night I received it!" Mama recalled the small match lighting up the book.

"i read it when you walked to the kitchen at the sound of glass shattering." [y/n] sighed, "memorized it too. you really need to hide things better."

Mama sighed and smiled, "Guess this should have been expected." However, the smile turned deadly, "But it has only been a day. I doubt you got ten done, considering how difficult those tests are."

"i don't blame you. i would have doubted it too if i were in your position." [y/n] internally smirked, "but that calculation includes a full night of sleep, healthy breaks from the test, and proper food." 

Mama's eyes widened for the second time, "What?" she mumbled to herself.

"you really think i'd take breaks? that i take this lightly? that i get sleep?" [y/n] questioned, as if this was only difficult for idiots, "i completed fifty-eight."

[y/n] threw a paper at the mother's desk, printed information from the testing desk.

The paper included the amount of tests taken, how long it took, and the overall score.

'amount: 58
time: 12 hours, 34 minutes, 7 seconds
score: all correct' , the paper read.

"checkmate." [y/n]'s internal smirk grew.

After a long stare at the paper, Mama sighed and smiled back at the girl.

"Now, what are your three requests?" Mama asked, [y/n]'s fists finally relaxing themselves.

"first," [y/n] rose up her pointer finger, "today, let me sleep in the library. as expected i am extremely tired, and the library sounds like a good place to rest."

"second," she lifted the next finger, "since i have to be locked up for at least two days, i still have tomorrow in that awful room. So the day after that, let me out like regular."

"and last, but not least.." [y/n] lifted up her third finger, "that day i get to go outside...

ship me out."

"Alright, dear. I can do all of that."

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