Her Book, and His Tears

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i'm not blurring the cuss words in this one, just so u know ;3

3rd pov

'Then, after finding all the clues, secrets and lies [y/n] spewed out, Don found her book. I hope you have fun, Don.'

Don re-read those sentences and then, re-read them again. His hands began shaking and his eyes were everywhere.

The stress was starting to build up. What if he messes up? What if he is doing it all wrong?

Was he to do one thing, or the other?

"you better be prepared for the consequences that come with a sh*tty move." A familiar voice warned. [the first person to guess which chap this if from i'll follow u]

Finally, he knew what he needed to do.

'Wait.. I know that this was specifically intended for me to find.. But maybe she wanted me to read it with Ray as well, because she wrote him as the other main protagonist.' He thought as he grabbed the book and ran up to Ray's hideout.

"Ray!" Don called out as he sat down in front of the boy.

Ray didn't look good. He had bags under his eyes, his back slouched, he looked like he hadn't left the library in years.

"Come on, Ray!" Don shook his shoulders a bit, snapping him out of his twilight zone.

"What..?" Ray mumbled as he shook Don's hand off, "What the hell do you want..?"

"It-It's this book! Please Ray, give it a chance!" Don begged as Ray scoffed.

"If you are so about that book.. just read it with Emma or something.." Ray turned down Don, however Don refused to give up.

"This book! Ray, this book is from—" Don attempted to tell what had happened, only to be cut off.

"What about that book, huh?!" Ray snapped at him, "Sure! It may have a few clues in there by Minerva! But it's not gonna bring Norman back, is it?! It's not gonna give me my chance back to figure [y/n] out! Give me a fucking break!"

"Ray you got it wrong!-" Don tried to explain, but it only seemed to piss Ray off more.

"How?! How do I have it wrong?! I just- I-" Ray yelled back, his voice seeming to break the more he spoke, "I just- fucking hate Mama ok?! She- She took away- She-"

Ray's breathing patterns became irregular as he broke down. Don watched as Ray kept on quietly cussing Mama out.

Tears were flowing from Ray's eyes as if they'd never stop.

Suddenly, as if he felt a warm presence from behind him.

"stop complaining! you can't change the past and i can't change it either. who said winning would ever be easy?" [y/n]'s voice spoke, her words seeming to have an echo through his head. Ray's eyes widened as memories flooded his brain.


"stop complaining! you can't change the past and i can't change it either. who said winning would ever be easy?" [y/n] scolded Nat.

She had just won the chess tournament, and she had been scolding Nat for claiming it 'unfair'.

"But now we have to clean the whole house! And for a month!" Nat wined as he scrubbed the table counter faster.

"it's not my fault you guys suck at chess." [y/n] stuck her tongue out to him.


Ray turned his head, only to see an empty space behind him.

Even with her words of encouragement, it didn't help. It just hurt.

'maybe if i listened to her more. maybe then she would be alive.' He told himself.

"basically." [y/n]'s voice rang back in his ear again. [i will follow first person to guess]

'i want to give up. let me rest. i want to see her again. i miss her so damed much.' He thought as he let out a small whimper.

"you must be one damed moron." Her voice seemed to reply to his thoughts. [i'll follow the person for this one too]

Finally, listening to [y/n] speak to him, he felt determined again. As if a wave of realization had just hit him.

'she never gave up on me. what right to i have to give up on her?'

Ray turned back towards Don again, wiping his tears as he gave a small, determined smirk, "Open the book."

. . .

don, if you found this i'm most probably dead. or even worse- alive. you better be reading this with ray right now or i swear, don, i will murder you.

you told us to put more faith into you? alright bet.

here is my entire life. the one thing that proves my existence, other than a blank face.

put yo money where yo mouth is.

starting to feel stressed out yet?

you may be wondering, ' what the fuck is this. '

i know ray is.

imagine a diary, except if you don't use context clues and critical thinking, my death will be in vain.

oh and plus around 780 plans and escape routes in there too as a little bonus.

as much as i'd love to stay and write more in this book, i'm pretty booked with dying tomorrow so i'm a little busy.

~ [y/n]

Don and Ray stared at the page, both thinking the same thing;

What the hell did we just start..?


I also just finished watching 'it' i'm so freaking scared

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