Losing it

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3rd pov

Walking into [y/n]'s room, Nat handed her a secret note and ran away. As she read it silently, she slumped her back lazily and laid back down.

'We've been doing teams in tag now so then it can be more like the real escape. We're telling Don and Gilda tonight at nine. I mean, you don't have to go but I'm guaranteeing Don's gonna start yelling. We're doing great progress on the plan.


'this is where... things are gonna start getting more interesting.' [y/n] told herself; as if it were a warning sign for what was going to come next.


"All of you, follow my lead." Emma instructed as the library door was gently opened and softly closed.

"What did you want to talk about?" Don asked innocently, with Gilda being at the table behind him. [y/n] sat on the floor and leaned her back onto the wall. She really was too tired for all this.

As she heard Emma explain this house secret, [y/n] noticed that she changed a few details. Instead of them being farmed and eaten, everyone was being raised for:

"Human trafficking?" Don asked in a questioning manner.

"Yeah. All of our siblings have been sold off to bad people." Emma looked down to the floor, as if she were guilty.

Instead of your typical scared, frightened, crying reaction Don bursted out laughing. 

"There's no way! No way!" He laughed, waving his hand around as if this 'joke' was the funniest thing he's heard of in his life.

"But the walls, the gate, and the siblings who left and never write us letters..." Norman tried to convince Don, but compared to Don's laughing, was minuscule.

"Oh come on, now!" Don quieted down, "So what's the punch line? What kind of prank is this? You're not saying it's true, are you?"

The silence was enough to kill and the aura was enough to be as strong as gravity.

"It's true." Ray finally answered, after that painful quietness.

"Wait. Then what about Mom?" Don looked back to Emma.

"She's the one... who's selling us to bad people." Emma choked out, [y/n] already telling that Emma hated lying.

But that's how you survive in this house.

You lie.

Don had a pis*ed off look in his eye and sure enough, he grabbed Emma.

"There's no way that kind Mom would do such a thing! Take it back, Emma!" He yelled in her face. [y/n] had never felt so impulsed to smack her sibling before.

"you must be one damed moron." [y/n] finally input; it was the first sentence she said in this conversation, "if you really think that emma would joke, that ray and norman would have the balls, and that i would get a single minute less of sleep to see your expression over a most certainly stupid prank, oh buddy you must be a real idiot by then."

Don's eyes widened by the girls statement and for the first time he was actually silent.

"Don." Gilda muttered, causing Don to flinch even more,  "Emma loves this House and Mom... So there's no way she would lie about that, let alone joke."

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