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Ray pov

I was sorta nervous all day today, constantly asking Mama if [y/n] woke up yet. Eventually after a few hours, I peeked through the door to see [y/n] sitting up in her bed. She seamed to be wiping something off of her face but I don't know what.

"Hey" I greeted as I walked through the doorframe, staring at her until she turned her head towards me with the same cold face.

"hello, ray." She replied blandly as she slowly blinked her eyes, signaling to me that she was tired.

"You know, you should really get some rest. You haven't slept for more than 7 hours for 2 weeks." I insisted, trying to get her to sleep more.

"and i can take 2 more." she shot back, giving me a cold glare.

"Actually no you can't that's really unhealthy." I shot back, walking towards her.

"why are you here again..?" She asked as she jumped off of the bed.

"Oh no reason" I smirked while I sat on the bed across from her's. I checked that no one was listening in from the doorway before asking seriously, "Now, what happened when you went to conny last night?"

I eyed her face for any signs of her being uncomfortable, stressed, sadness, even a simple flinch. But only the same cold stone face was given.

"you really don't listen the first time do you? i do remember saying we didn't make it." she deadpanned as she turned her back against me.

"Then why'd you come back empty handed?" I questioned. Is she going to keep on lying like this? She's doing it as if it was nothing!

"emma dropped small rabbit somewhere in the woods but it was too dark and we couldn't find out where it was." she lied yet again, "now if you don't mind, i need to go back to mama. don't want her to be worried, don't we?" she asked as she walked away from the conversation, knowing that I was going to question her more if she didn't.

She's a lot harder than Emma and Norman, I'll tell you that. But why do I keep pestering her? I could do this to Emma or Norman but why her? Why was I always asking if she was ok to Mama? Why do I take any chance to try and talk to her without a second thought?

Is it because... I'm in love with her? No no, not love... I'm curious. That's right I'm just curious. Everyone is. I mean it would be logical. She is the house mystery after all. There's just too much I don't know about her... too much.

3rd pov

"so what'd i miss out on." [y/n] popped out of nowhere behind Emma and Norman, scaring the living souls out of them.

"W-We're planning on escaping by the forest. We checked what was past the fence and it was some tall, smooth wall. I-Impossible to climb." Norman stuttered while clutching his chest, and with Emma still visibly shaking. "B-But! I have an idea." Norman smirked, though being the wholesome little mushroom he is, it was more like a grin.  

~~smol timeskip~~

"This is a good idea!" Emma complimented.

  "i guess." [Y/N] agreed quietly, trying to un-knot the table cloths from her waistline.

"We can check the wall anytime!" Emma cheered, putting the rope into a bag.

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