Our Valentines <3

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Mega super late valentines chapter

TW: nothing to do with valentines lmao

3rd pov

Ray sat in the library, finishing the finial chapter of a book he found mildly entertaining. He stood up to replace the book once he had finished for another, hopefully better, one. As his hand reached for the book, however, his hand accidentally touched with [y/n]'s.

They both retracted their hands quickly- blush dusting their cheeks.

Emma scoffed as she looked at their awkward moment. "Their love is going nowhere! Both of them aren't bold enough to show their affection to the other!" Norman nervously smiled at her, "Well you also have to consider their personalities, Emma. Ray struggles to show how much he loves people, and [y/n] already makes him so flustered. And on top of that, [y/n] is... [y/n]."

Emma smirked. "Well, [y/n] isn't gonna be a problem anymore." She pulled out her secret weapon.

A love potion. Well- not really.

The potion made a person bold and enhanced their romantic feelings toward someone by a lot. The potion made it impossible to refrain from saying or doing something romantically; perfect to counter [y/n]s steel resistance.

No one knows how she got her mischievous little hands on it. But now that she had it, everyone was immediately at her mercy. [y/n] was her victim.

It was strange- both of the relationships. Emma and Norman- the most innocent seeming people with the most mischievous relationship. [y/n] and Ray- the mature, idgaf, devilish sort of people with an innocent, cute, shy relationship.

"[y/n]!!" Emma stood up and ran to her, an 'innocent' smile on her face.

"what." [y/n] sighed as Emma took her hand and began to drag her away.

"Let's go have some tea together~!" Emma smiled as she threw [y/n] onto the table and got her some tea. However, in [y/n]'s cup, she poured an insane amount of the potion inside.

The potion had a very very sweet taste to it. If Emma wasn't careful, [y/n] could notice.

[y/n] sipped her tea, before abruptly pausing. "this tea is very sweet, emma." Emma laughed nervously, "I put sweetener in yours, maybe a bit too much haha... sorry."

She was halfway.

"this is so sweet it feels like i'm drinking syrup."

Almost there...

"emma what drugs did you put in this, it's so sweet- gosh."

She's finished.

[y/n]'s eyes widened as her face became flushed. She stood up and walked away without saying a single thing.

Ray was standing in the library reading when she walked in. [y/n] saw him and, almost immediately ran to him.

She pinned his hand next to him as she stood dangerously close. Rays face immediately turned red as she stared at him.

Ray coughed nervously."H-Hey..."

[y/n] stared at him with those pricing eyes. "You're cute." Rays face exploded red as he blurted out, "[y/n]!!"

"sorry, sorry. i meant to say you're extremely attractive."

Rays brain didn't want to work anymore. But he knew something was up. Nothing would make [y/n] do something like this if she was in her right mind.

Ding! As if a little bell ring in his head. Of course! She's not in her right state of mind! Her eyes were clouded and her face was flushed- of course she was under the influencer of something. Maybe something like... Emmas potion!

Ray twisted both of them around so now it was him pinning her to the wall. "my, my how the tables have turned..." he put his hand on her forehead as she closed her eyes and continued, "feeling bold now aren't we?-"

"You're so hot," He breathlessly muttered.

Her eyes fluttered open as blood rushes to her cheeks. In an attempt to hide how hard her heart was pounding she said the most classic [y/n] line.

"what." She deadpanned. He sighed as he removed his hand from her forehead. "Your temperature is so high, it's odious you have a fever."

As Emma was washing dishes in the kitchen her eyes widened at a major detail she had completely forgotten about.

The potion has a side affect of making the person who drinks it very sick. The more you drink, the more sick you'll become. Emma gave her the entire bottle, knowing that a little won't do much since this is [y/n] she was dealing with.

But let's get back to Ray and [y/n].

[y/n] felt her head throb as she leaned into Ray shoulders. The library walls began stretching and spinning around her. "look, you're so handsome, i can't help but fall for you."

"Shut up. You don't even think that, it's just the potion talking right now."

[y/n] said between breaths, "but what if i actually meant everything i'm saying right now? "

"You need to go to the infirmary, now." Ray demanded as he held her hand tightly. "no, no. i'm good." [y/n] took a deep breath in and fixed her posture.

"But you're sick." Ray shot back.

"i'll buff it out." [y/n] lied.

Suddenly, she felt herself getting lifted from the floor. Ray just held her bridal style and walked away with her.

"yo put me dow-"

"No, I am not gonna put you down because you're sick and I'm gonna take care of you."



Emma smirked as she sat with Norman. "Are you sure this one is going to work?" Norman asked with uncertainty laced in his words.

"Yes! We barely saw annnyythhing happen! This new potion is definitely gonna do the trick!" She smiled with a small vial in her hands.

"What does this one do again?" Norman nervously stared at the glass vial she was holding. "This one makes you feel very touch-starved and cuddly. I fixed this one, so it won't make the user sick. All we have to do is tell Ray to give it to her, and we're set!"


A cool, damp towel rested on [y/n]'s forehead as she laid in the infirmary. The effects of the potion were finally wearing off as she coughed in the blanket.

Ray bursted through the door with a tray of soup and a mug of tea. He sat down and shoved the bowl of soup onto [y/n]'s lap as she slowly sat up.

"ray, i'm fine, really, i-"

"Shut up and let me take care of you."

"..." [y/n] stared at him, "what's with the mug?"

Ray put the mug to his lips, "Tea that Emma wanted you to have. But I don't trust her so I'm gonna have it."

As he took a big gulp out of the mug, he immediately wished he hadn't. Loads of overly sweet tea filled his throat. It was enough to make his nose scrunch up.

Nevertheless, he chugged it down straight and sighed. It was almost as if Emma just wanted them to get diabetes from all the sugar she put in their teas.

He turned around and somehow [y/n] had already scarfed down the soup that she had. He took the bowl away and placed it on the counter and, when he looked back at her, this overwhelming feeling began to wash over him.

Why did he suddenly just want to hug her? His fingers rubbed his palm; when was the last time he actually made contact with another human being? Too long apparently.

Before his brain could process what was happening, he found himself walking over to her and engulfing her in a hug like it was the last time he ever would.

She pulled him down to lay with her as he embraced her.

That night, they both got the rest that they needed, with the person that they needed.

Happy valentines <3

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