Don and Gilda

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"Yeah yeah, I'm up!"


"But I'm not leaving this bed!"

"and why is that?"

"You have to promise me something, and if you don't, I'm never leaving!"



"never ever?"

"Never ever ever!"

"what do i need to promise?"

"You have to promise- no, guarantee that..."


"You're not going to sell yourself out!"

"what do you mean?"

"You aren't going to go to Mama and tell her to ship you out! That you are going to make it out of here alive!"


"Just promise me!"

"i promise."

"Promise what?"

" i promise that i'm not going to sell myself out, and that i will make it out of here alive."


"now will you get out of bed?"

"Hurrmmmm... 5 more minutes!"

"emma i swear to god-"

"Kidding, kidding!"


"nat..." [y/n] started as Nat and his 'cavalry' slowly approached [y/n]'s bed, "nat i swear if your gonna pull that cavalry thing again-"

"ONWARD, MY BRAVE SOLDIERS! FOR TODAY, WE TAKE DOWN THY BEAST, [Y/N]!!!" Nat yelled as [y/n] was dog piled by his army.

"oh god what did i do wrong-" [y/n] was interrupted by Thoma jumping on her rib cage, knocking the wind out of her.




Nat and his army threw [y/n] onto the cold grass and sat her up leaning on the tree.

"Okay! Woo can take a nap now!" Phil smiled as they all ran away.

[y/n] closed her eyes and rested. Well, she wasn't necessarily sleeping, but she was close to it.

"They're talking on their own again, huh?" Gilda spoke out, basically telling [y/n] that her and Don were there with her.

"Dam it, how long are they
going to be discussing things?" Don grit his teeth, frustrated, "We need to go save Conny!"

"I wonder if there's a reason." Gilda mumbled.

"Like what?" Don tilted his head in confusion.

"I don't know." Gilda responded, "It's not just about being dangerous because we're dealing with bad people. But something even more..."

"I wonder..." Don turned towards the 'sleeping' girl, "why then don't include [y/n] when they discuss things.."

"Yeah, I wondered that too.." Gilda agreed to the [FRICKNNNN GIRAFFE- I SWEAR TO GOD WHAT DID THEY FEED HIM] boy.

"What do you think [y/n] even does all day?" Gilda brought up, "Not in a rude way or anything but, if Ray, Emma, and Norman are all planning without her... what does she do? Especially when she locks herself indoors all the time.."

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