Her Departure

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3rd pov

[y/n] was that the door with a suitcase in hand.
This would be the last time they saw her.

"Send us letters!"

"i'll try my best."

"Please don't go!"

"i have to, i'm sorry."

"We'll miss you!"

"you better."

Ray and Emma fought tears.

"don." [y/n] all of a sudden called out the boys name, "i want to tell you something, something you must never forget."

"And what's that?" Don gave a fake, shakey smile.

"never, never judge a book by its cover." [y/n] pat his head, him giving a confident smirk back.

"thoma, lannion." [y/n] turned to the two, "in one of my drawers, i left you guys a blueprint for any rockets you guys might want to build."

The two of them gave bright smiles, even if tears were enveloping their eyes.

"anna." [y/n] called out to another sibling, "i wrote down the directions to making flower crowns for you. you looked happy today when we were wearing them. i want you to be happy."

Anna gave her a closed eyed smile, the lump in her throat getting harder to push down.

"nat." [y/n] turned to the literal red-head. She ruffled his hair before saying, "hope you find other adventures while i'm gone. for now, you have finally defeated the great monster and terrorizer, [y/n]"

Nat gave a snarky smirk back, not saying what he was thinking: But what if I didn't want to defeat you yet? What if i didn't want our adventure to end?

"phil." [y/n] squatted down to meet his height, "no playing with knives ok? if you get cut please go to the medical cabinet in the infirmary." [y/n] pat his head, his tears dripping from his eyes relentlessly.

"gilda." [y/n] stood up and gave her a soft look, "please. take care of ray and emma. don't let them do anything stupid while i'm gone." She pat gilda on the shoulder.

"G-Got it!" Gilda saluted, trying to play off her sadness.

"emma." [y/n] walked towards the girl.

A long silence enveloped them, until that is, until [y/n] slowly pulled her into a hug.

"i finally found out where the secret cookie stash was. hope you find it too, that things a jackpot." [y/n] muttered as she held tighter, Emma not saying a word, only shaking.

After [y/n] let go, she turned to Ray.

"and last but not least, bedhead." [y/n] turned her head to him, "i-"

Ray cut off her off by grabbing her into a tight hug. [y/n] didn't hug back, instead kept her hands to her hands. She held them in fists to stop the shaking.

Ray gripped harder, held tighter. [y/n] could feel that his hands were, too, shaking.

He let his head drop to her, his forehead now resting on her shoulder as he embraced her for the last time.

"T-That thing you said." Ray muttered in a low voice as to which only she could hear, "t-that thing you said where I made you sick. W-When your heart pounded faster when I was there. When you're face felt hot. When I easily made your mind a crippling mess. When you noticed little sparkles in my eyes.

W-Well. I want you to know that... These strange feelings... they are mutual."

[y/n]'s eyes widened as her knees suddenly felt weak.

"To sum it up," Ray held her tighter, "[y/n], I am head over heels for you. And I'll always be. [y/n], I-I love you. Always and forever."

[y/n] rose her arms slowly as she hugged him tighter, the lump in her throat finally reveling itself.

After a minute or two, Mama finally spoke up, "[y/n], dear, it's time; we must go."

[y/n] pulled back from the embrace, both of them immediately missing the warmth the other one provided.

She cleared her throat and turned to Mama, "yes, i am ready."

She walked towards the door, grabbed the suitcase, and was so close from going through the door before Mama stopped her with the words, "Do you want  to say a last goodbye?"

After a long pause, [y/n]'s tense shoulders suddenly relaxed themselves.

As she turned around to look back at them, every single person's eyes widened at the sight of..  this:

"Goodbye everyone! I wish you luck on your own journeys while i'm gone! I wish you guys nothing but the best!" [y/n] smiled at them as tears ran down her face

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"Goodbye everyone! I wish you luck on your own journeys while i'm gone! I wish you guys nothing but the best!" [y/n] smiled at them as tears ran down her face. Her voice seemed... different, it seemed different.

"Well, see ya." [y/n] waved as she walked out the door, Mama following and closing the door behind them.


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