Saved by the bell

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3rd pov

~with Emma and [y/n]~

"Hey, [y/n]!" Emma called out, still admiring the stream and the beautiful flowers growing around it.

"yeah?" the kuudere answered, as she turned her head to face the girl who called her.

"I've got a question, but it might be too personal." Emma responded, with her eyes soft.

"what." [y/n] deadpanned.

"Did... Did you ever love our siblings..?" Emma asked, slightly surprising the insomniac, though she kept her face still.


"N-Not in a r-rude way! B-But... I can't understand... you've never cried, haven't smiled, haven't laughed... and you always ignore your siblings... I-It's so difficult to understand your thoughts a-and actions... I can never find your motive to t-things you do. Also, how could you be faster than me if you never run, how could you sleep all day and suddenly pass out because of lack of sleep..? How...? Why..?" Emma muttered with a tear dripping down from her eye to her chin. "I know i-it's selfish, b-but... all I want to see... is you smiling..."

"emma..." [y/n] mumbled, causing Emma to turn her head towards the girl, "i'm sorry but... i forgot how to smile..." she answered, ashamed.

"B-But, don't you remember saying that once you got outside y-you'd smile?" Emma pleaded, a bit desperate.

"that's because... i'd finally be able to die."


Suddenly, the sound of a bell interrupted Emma's concern.

'That's early...' Emma thought as she stood up from her spot, [y/n] doing the same. The two saw Ray and Norman walking back to the house and almost instinctively, Emma followed suit, after giving [y/n] a sweet smile.

'heh... saved by the bell."

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