Obey Me! (Satan)

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Me: Anyone wanna come take a bath with me?
Asmo: I do!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Mammon: Asmo, you better stay away from them!
Levi: W-what?!
Satan: What?
Lucifer: MC, what are you saying?
Belphie: I'll take a nap with you instead.
Beel: I'm on my way home from the gym so I guess I could take a bath with you.
Belphie: Beel, no
Me: I don't mean it in a sexual way, I swear!
Me: I just... never mind. Forget I said anything!

I went offline and threw my phone across the bed. I've been so busy with R.A.D and my part time job that I haven't had the time to relax, let alone hang out with the boys. And... I felt just a little touch starved.
As I grabbed a change of clothes and headed to my bathroom, there was a knock at my door.
"MC? Can I come in?" I heard Satan's voice.
"Come in!" I shout. I sat on my bed looking up at Satan who stood across the room. I almost begged him to come lay with me and just touch me.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Yeah," I sigh, "I'm just really tired and stressed."
"Are you sure that's all?" He shifted in place.
I nod. Satan started at me, looking deep into my eyes to try to read my thoughts. When he did, I could only look at his lips and imagine him kissing my forehead and nose and everywhere.

Satan walked closer to me then ruffled my hair. It felt so good! It was like having a cold glass of water on a hot summer day! When he stopped, I grabbed his hand.
"What are you-? Hey, why are you crying?"
"Can you please do that again?" I ask in a small voice. "Please, just touch me..."
Satan's hands cupped my cheek as he wiped my tears away with his thumb.
"What's going on with you, MC?"
I press my cheek further into his palm. He pulled me into a hug and rubbed circles on my back.
"Talk to me."
"I just needed to be close to someone. I haven't had physical contact for a while."
"How long is a while?"
"When did Lucifer last hang Mammon for sneaking out with me?"
"Two months ago."
"Then it's been two months."
"Oh, MC." He said softly. "Why didn't you say anything?" He was now petting my head. I held him tighter, feeling so needy, and ashamed that I was feeling this way. Satan read my mind and told me that he was fine with this and that he'd be here for as long as I needed.

I pulled him with me as I laid back on my bed. Satan was on top of me but I didn't care. His weight on my chest felt so comforting.
"MC..." Satan mumbled into the crook of my neck, "can I kiss you?"
I held him just a bit tighter. "Yes."
Satan started kissing my shoulder and my neck. The kisses and his warm breath on my skin sent shivers all over my body. Soon the kisses turned into small love bites.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He apologized.
"No, I was going to ask, if you're comfortable with it, if you could take a bath with me." I bit my lip. I was expecting to be turned down, and I was fine with that. I could ask Asmo.
"Of course. On the condition that I am the only one who could see you this way."
I giggle just a little bit. Jealous Satan was so cute.
"Deal. You're the only demon who will ever see me completely naked."
I could feel Satan's face get hotter and hotter.
"MC, I can't promise that I'll behave myself."
When he said that it was my turn to turn red and hot.
"It's fine. If it's with you, right now, it's fine." I said. I felt so comfortable with Satan right now and I felt that if he did make moves on me, I'd be safe and happy. He wouldn't hurt me.
He pulled himself off of me and held my and as we went to my bathroom. He undressed me slowly, his hands lingering on my body as his eyes taking in every detail of my skin.
"So soft." He whispered as he traced his hands among my chest and torso. After he undressed himself, Satan got in the tub and then I did. Satan sat behind me, his back against the cool marble tub and I sat in front of him with my back against his chest.
It was a bit embarrassing at first but I soon grew comfortable. Satan washed my hair and my back and I did the same for him. We stood in the tub for a while longer after that.
"MC, we can't stay for long. We'll start to prune up."
I sigh, "I know." But I didn't make an effort to get up. Instead, I nuzzled closer to Satan's body.
"Hey, MC, is Satan with you?" I heard from outside my room. It was Mammon.
"You two have been alone together for a while! Were you doing some naughty things~?" And Asmo.
I didn't respond. I didn't know what to say. Would Satan be ok with me telling them were in the bath together?
"MC is not feeling well!" Satan replied. "It's some contagious human illness."
"Then that means..."
"MC and I have to quarantine until they get better." Satan finished.
Mammon almost came in just so I wouldn't be alone with Satan, but the door was locked. After they left, Satan sighed in relief.
"Ok, out of the tub." Satan started getting up carefully.
He grabbed towels and wrapped one around him and used the other to dry me off.
"I can do this myself you know." I pout.
"I know. But, didn't you hear? You're ill."
Satan grabbed me some comfortable clothes and we both laid in bed together and took a nap. We stayed in that room for two days before ending our "quarantine". In those two days, Satan gave me all the physical contact I needed. Kisses, hugs, cuddles, baths, etc. After that, whenever he noticed how antsy I was for his touch, he would hold my hand or hug me from behind.
"Thank you, Satan."

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