Boku No Hero Academia: Kirishima (Soulmate AU)

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When we turn 15, the first thing our soulmate will say to us if we ever met would just appear on our skin. My parents told me that if we do meet our soulmates, the words would change to the last thing they will say to us.

Well, I turned 15... the words written on my arm was "Are you ok? Let's go to the nurse to get that cleaned up." I sighed in frustration. There is no way I'm ever going to find my soulmate! I'm super clumsy and anyone would say that if they saw me hurt myself!
I imagined every scenario possible where someone would say this to me and what I would possibly say in response. It wouldn't matter anyway. Since I'm going to be attending UA High I won't have time to look for my soulmate. All my focus will be on becoming a hero.

I walked into the school gates, nervous about my first day. I took in the sights of UA and imagined what kind of teachers would be here and what kind of curriculum they have. I didn't realize there were stairs in front of me and I tripped on a step. I put my hands out to stop myself from hitting my head and managed to scrape my hands.
"Are you ok?" I heard a guy's voice from behind me. I looked up and I was met with the most stunning red eyes. I couldn't help but stare, I couldn't speak. He looked at my hands that were bleeding a little and said, "Let's go to the nurse to get that cleaned up."
Only when he said those words did I realize that he might be my soulmate.
This guy lead me to the nurse's office. We entered and met a little old lady. As I sat on a chair, I was able to get a better look at my potential soulmate. He has red hair, stunning red eyes, sharp teeth, and wore the school's uniform. I also noticed a scar on his eye.
"I'm just going to clean this up and place a bandaid over it. This will sting a little." The little old lady said.
It did sting but that helped me come back to reality. I was able to focus better now.
"All done."
He thanked her and we both walked out.
"You should be careful next time." He smiled. "I'm Kirishima Eijiro by the way."
"You have really pretty eyes." I said.
"What did you say?"
"Your eyes, they're very pretty."
He quickly rolled up his sleeve and looked at his arm. We both saw the words fade from his skin slowly but nothing else showed up. Then I checked my arm. The words had also faded.
"Does this mean...?" I asked.
"Are you my soulmate?" He asked in response.

A month goes by and we talk and get to know each other more. We hang out every chance we got and I was starting to fall in love with him.
One morning, I woke up from a nightmare and felt a stinging sensation on my chest over my heart. I thought that maybe I just scratched myself while I was sleeping by accident but when I looked in the mirror, there were words written.
When I read it, I sobbed. These were the last words Kirishima would say to me. I wanted to call him right away and tell him about it but I was scared. His last words to me were going to be: "Don't be scared. I'm right here with you."
I needed to avoid anything that would scare me. I didn't want him to say those words and then die then and there.
My phone ringing scared me back to reality and I quickly answered knowing it was Kirishima.
"Hey, Pebble!" His voice sounded super happy and excited. Hearing it calmed me down a lot. "I was wondering if you had any plans next weekend. I wanna take you out to this cool place that my friends told me about! Then after maybe we could watch that new horror movie!"
"Sounds fun! But do you think we could watch something other than a horror movie? I'm not a big fan."
"Don't tell me you're scared! Don't worry, you can hold my hand if you get scared!"
I held my breath. He almost said the words. I stayed silent. I couldn't hide this. I have to tell him.
"Pebble? You there?"
"Can you come over?" I sobbed.
"Hey, you ok?"
"Please. Come over. I need to tell you this in person."
"Alright. I'll be there as fast as possible, ok?" He sounded so genuinely worried.

It took about half an hour for him to get to my house. As soon as I opened the door for him I gave him a hug.
"What's going on?" He rubbed my back and spoke softly. We sat in the couch and I did my best to stop crying.
"I woke up and your last words..." I peeled down my shirt to show him me chest. "I wasn't going to tell you but I couldn't keep it a secret. I'm scared. I don't want to lose you. I love you!"
He pulled me into another hug, this time he squeezed me and I could hear him crying too.
"Don't be—."
"No! Please don't say it!" I held him tighter as if he was going to disappear. "I don't want to lose you!"
"You're not going to lose me. Guess what. You've said your last words to me just now and you're still alive, right?"
I let him go and looked at him in confusion and horror. I didn't think he got my last words yet.
He pulled up his shirt and showed me his stomach. On it, the words "I'm scared. I don't want to lose you. I love you!" were written.
"See? You're still here. But if you don't want me to say it, I won't, ok?" He held my hands and kissed my forehead. He stayed with me the rest of the day and never left my side. He made sure I was fine and he took care of me and he gave me a lot of reassurance that he wasn't going anywhere. He even told me that he loves me too. And, even though I still get anxious with the things he says being similar to his last words, I always remind myself that he won't just drop dead.

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