Boku No Hero Acadamia (Hawks)

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"Keeeiiiiigooo!" I whine as I shout for him from the other room. Just the other day I had been playing in the rain, kicking and splashing in puddles with my bare feet and now I was stuck in bed while my boyfriend took care of me.
"I warned you, kid. You didn't listen so now you suffer the consequences."
"Come cuddle with me!" Being sick made me even more clingy and emotional than I always was for some reason, so when Hawks refused to lay with me I started bawling.
"You hate me! Just cause I'm sick you think I'm ugly and you don't wanna be near me!"
Hawks laughed, "I love you, baby bird. I love you so much! I can't cuddle right now, I'm trying to make you something to eat."
"No, you think I'm ugly. How could someone as hot as you be with someone like me?!"
"Now listen, kid, you are the most beautiful person in the world! Understand?"
"Yeah." I said softly, stop feeling sad. "So can we cuddle?"
"As soon as I finish making you something to eat."

Not five minutes later, Hawks can into the room with some hot soup. I was starting to feel worse, but managed to eat all of it.
"Damn, kid, you're burning up."
"I... I'm dizzy."
"It's ok. Just close your eyes and rest."
I did as he asked but I could sense how tensed he had gotten. He probably noticed something going on outside.
"I'll be right back." He said seriously.
"Keigo, please stay." I reached out for him.
"Two seconds, ok?"
It seemed like hours had passed, but in my feverish state, I couldn't tell. I heard the front door open and someone coming in.
"Keigo? Are you back?" I called out. I muster up all my strength to get out of bed and check it out when I didn't get a reply. In the living room, a person stood in front of the mantle looking over all the pictures of me and my boyfriend. They didn't seem familiar.
"Who are you? What do you want?" I say with as much bravery as I could, but I was so weak and scared. They turned around and looked at me. They're eyes bore into my soul. I tried asking again but they didn't respond.
I couldn't gather any strength to use my quirk and I begged that someone would come to save me.
The intruder has a fire quirk, which I assumed he would use to kill me and burn our house down. He set out surroundings on fire so that I couldn't escape.
"Keigo..." I softly cry, thinking that I'd never see him again, "I love you."

There was a loud crash that startled the both of us. A child in a green suit came crashing through the window. He lifted me in an instant and ran off with me, away from the villain.
"It's ok! My name's Deku! I'm going to get you to safety!"
"Hawks! Where is he?!"
"Everything will be ok!"
No matter how much I asked, he wouldn't tell me about Keigo. Eventually I passed out.
When I came to, I was feeling better. I wasn't dizzy or hot. I looked around and saw a lot of people who seemed injured and heroes helping them to recover. Then my mind went straight to my boyfriend and the villain that came into our home.
"Hawks! Where is he?!" I got up and started shouting and crying, wanting so badly to see him. A few heroes asked me to calm down and told me I needed rest.
"Please, I need to see him!" I begged.
They took me to see him. I was mortified by what I saw. I had never seen Keigo so hurt before. It looked like he was burned and a lot of his feathers were missing or burned.
"He's still alive, he just suffered a lot of damage."
"Keigo! Wake up! You said you'd come back!" I was crying.
"He just needs to rest. Recovery Girl has been doing all she can for him." They told me.
They left us alone. All I could do was cry and do my best to take care of him however I could.
Apparently a bunch of villains started attacking the city all at once. And, without All Might, things quickly got out of control.
"Come back to me, birdbrain." I mutter to myself. I give him a soft kiss. His lips tasted bloody and I couldn't help but cry again as I pulled away to let my head hang low.
"Don't cry baby bird." I hear as a hand rests on my head. His voice was raspy and dry, but he was awake!
"Keigo!" I shouted happily as I still cried.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."
"It's not your fault."
"You're my number one priority and I left you alone while you were sick."
"It's ok! I'm fine! A kid— a hero named Deku brought me here."
He tried to sit up but I push him back down.
"Just rest, ok? You did great."
"What are you talking about, kid? This is just a scratch."
I laugh at him.
"But I guess I could rest my wings." He groaned. I stayed with him while he rested, making sure that he was comfortable. He was being smug, saying how much he liked to be taken care like this and that I should do it more often. I scoffed in response.
"I love you."
"Baby bird, you know I love you. More than anything on this earth."
"Will you marry me?" I ask.
"I'm the one that should be on one knee asking you. Nothing would make me happier, kid. And," He went on, "when this is all over, I'm going to ask you properly. With a ring. And when you say yes, I'm going to sweep you off your feet and take off with you."
"You're a hopeless romantic, aren't you?"
"Only for you."
I kiss him again.

[A few months later]

He did exactly as he said he would. He took me out to eat, and even wore a suit. He got on one knee and pulled out a ring. I was too eager to say yes that I interrupted his speech to me but something tells me he didn't mind.
He swept me off my feet and we took off into the clouds. I held on tightly, scared that I would fall.
"I won't let anything happen to you. Never again, kid." He whispered in my ear.

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