My "Lobby" For When I Shift

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When I open my eyes, I'm looking down at my bare feet. I'm at a beach, standing by the shoreline. The waves barely reach the tips of my toes; it's the calmest the waves have ever been. In front of me, the sun is setting. The sky is orange and purple and pink. On either side of me are small pillars made of stone. They look like they've been there for centuries, yet, at the same time, they look brand new. They act as a respawn point in some way.
In the distance to my right is a cliff. To my left is the rest of the untouched sandy beach. And, when I turn around, the sun completely sets and the sky turns a dark blue and black. A door appears. A wooden door with a stone frame. I walk towards it, leaving footprints in the sand, and open the door. When I go through, I am in the universe I want to be in.

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