Boku No Hero Academia (Hawks)

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⚠️ TW: Suicide⚠️

I sat on a rooftop, high above the city. The wind whistled in my ear and made my tear-stained face as cold as ice. I was thinking. Weighing the pros and cons of living, still deciding whether to jump or not. And, to be honest, I was scared.
Looking down below at the busy street, everyone passing by, I felt as if I was invisible. No one looked up, no one noticed I was up here.

Time passed and I decided it was time. I stood at the ledge, the fall seemed higher now that I was standing. I hover one foot over the building, getting ready to fall, but a voice startled me. I hadn't noticed anyone coming to the roof. I looked to behind me to my right and saw a really handsome man. I recognized him immediately.
"H-Hawks?" I question.
"That's me." He smiled. "Why don't we have a talk away from the ledge?"
I shook my head. "I already made up my mind. Please, just leave."
"Is that right? Well, if there's nothing I can say or do to change your mind then go for it."
"You're an asshole!" I yelled. "Aren't you supposed to be a hero?! Why aren't you trying to stop me?!"
"You said you made up your mind," he shrugged, "besides I'm not good at persuading people to do things. And even if you do go through with it, I'll catch you."
"What the hell do you mean 'even if you do'? I am gonna jump!"
"For one, when I didn't try to stop you you got mad which means there's a part of you that doesn't want to. And second, you haven't yet."
He was right, but I wasn't going to tell him that. It just made me angrier.
"Why don't we talk for a bit? Tell me what's eating at you." He offered his hand to help me down safely. I took it. He smiled.
I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it again. I guess he noticed how hesitant and scared I was to just dump all my problems on him.
"Why don't we get some food? I'm starving! Do you like chicken? I know a place that serves AMAZING chicken!"

Hawks and I walked together on the sidewalk. There were so many people coming up to him and asking him for pictures and autographs. I expected him to forget about me and get lost in all the attention but he turned everyone down politely and kept walking with me. It actually made me happy that he was giving all his attention to me right now.
We finally made it to the restaurant and the waitress took one look at him and knew what he wanted. She asked me what I was gonna have and I fumbled over my words.
"They'll have the same as me."
The waitress nods and leaves.
"So," Hawks looked at me, "tell me what's going on."
I shrunk, "I'm just tired. My parents puts so much pressure on me to either get a job or go to school, and I'm struggling to figure out who I am and what I like. Every day that I am home, I am called so many awful things and I'm just so tired. I had a temporary job at one point but my parents didn't let up, and when I got fired they were disappointed."
I went on to tell him just how awful my life was as I cried. At some point the waitress came back with our food and we ate as I cried and continued telling him my sob story. He seemed to be listening intently, hardly touching his chicken that he loves.
When I was done, I felt a weight off my shoulders. I was so emotionally exhausted. I had stopped crying ages ago but mostly because I couldn't anymore.
"Hey, kid," Hawks finally spoke up, "how would you like to work for me?"
"Unless, of course, you still wanna go back to the roof."
"A job? At... your agency?"
"Don't worry, you don't need any experience. You'll have a desk job. I can show you the ropes. What do you say?"
I was stunned. I never would have thought...
All I could do was nod.
"Then it's settled! See you Monday 10am! Don't be late! I'll call you a cab to get you back home. Ah, here's my number just in case you need to get a hold of me."
We both stood and I just had to hug him.
"Thank you!" My arms wrapped around his torso, squeezing tightly.
"Woah, loosen the grip before your boss passes out!" He joked. I only hugged him tighter.
"While you're at my agency, take some time to think about your future. If you wanna go back to school or anything, just let me know." He hugged me back.

(Hawks is my comfort character so I apologize for all the Hawks short stories! 😅)

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