How They React: Love Confession- Accepted (Haikyuu!!)

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Hinata: Blushing. Stuttering. He was so nervous to confess to you but he told himself he just had to do it! It took a while but he managed to say "I like you!" He ran away immediately because he was embarrassed and scared of rejection. When you found him and told him you also liked him, he was confused but happy. Honestly, he didn't know what to do next.

Kageyama: He was embarrassed about it and almost annoyed that he admitted his feelings. When you didn't respond right away he yelled "Say something idiot!" It was hard for him to meet your eyes the whole time, especially after you told him you felt the same way.

Sugawara: He was shy but just straight up told you "I really like you!" You hugged him and told him you felt the same. He hugged you back and asked you on a date (of course you said yes).

Daichi: He confessed on accident. You both were talking and he blurted out "This is why I like you!" You were caught off guard and he realized what he said. Daichi tried to play it off that he meant in a platonic way but when you told him you liked him too, he got really happy.

Tanaka: He always told you how much he likes you. Right from the start. You always thought he was just being dramatic or something until he pulled you aside one day and very seriously told you, "I really really like you." You admitted that you like him too and didn't know if he meant it before now.

Nishinoya: Like Tanaka, he told you how much he liked you and how amazing you were to him. He brought you a little gift one day and very seriously told you that he liked you. He was a little embarrassed and nervous but he did his best to not stutter. He was the happiest you've ever seen him when you told him you liked him.

Tsukishima: He would always make fun of you in a playful way so you never thought he liked you. It wasn't until he went too far with his teasing and you cried and got mad at him that he admitted it saying, "I'm sorry. The last thing I wanted was to make the one I care for most cry." It was confusing but eventually you told him you like him too.

Yamaguchi: He was so nervous! So nervous that he couldn't speak! He tried talking to you about it for days but his voice just wouldn't work! So he wrote a letter to you instead and put it in your locker for you to find. After you read it, you tried to find him, but it seemed like he was avoiding you. You got the idea to reply with another letter and put it in his locker.

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