Haikyuu (Kuroo)

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I heard he likes girls with long hair, so I let mine grow out. It didn't feel right, but I pushed through it to get his attention. I always greeted him and treated him kindly. I talked to him as much as I could without seeming weird so he would remember me. Looking at him, he always seems so cool! And he's tall, cute, strong...
"(Y/n), did you hear me?"
I was bright back from my thoughts by none other than Kuroo himself.
"I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. Did you need something?"
"I was asking if you had a copy of the homework assignment. I didn't get a chance to copy it all down."
"Of course!" I reached into my bag and feeling around for my notebook. Thinking I had it in my hand, I pulled it out and hand it over to Kuroo. I didn't care to double check if I had given him the right one, I was really red in the face and wanted him to leave so that I could calm myself down.
"Thanks! I'll be sure to give this back to you when I've finished."
"No problem! Take your time!"

During lunch, I stayed at my desk to write in my journal. It was something I had recently started doing to help me get my emotions out and not keep it in. When I opened my notebook, ready to write, I realized that I had the wrong one. I searched my bag again and couldn't find it.
Oh no, I thought, don't tell me I gave my journal to Kuroo!
I packed all my belongings into my bag and immediately set out to find him. Knowing that he was part of the boys volleyball team, I figured he'd be practicing in the gym.
I ran down the halls and bumped into someone! He wore a jacket and had long blonde hair.
"I'm sorry!" I apologized.
"You shouldn't run in the halls." He said. He rubbed his arm where I had bumped into him. I guess I hit him pretty hard.
"I'm sorry. I was trying to find someone. Do you know where I can find Kuroo Tetsurō?"
"Hmm, he might be at the gym. He's been eager to practice."
I thanked him and ran to the gym, praying he hadn't read anything in the notebook yet. I'd die of embarrassment!
"KUROO!!" I shouted as I opened the doors to the gym. Everyone looked at me. "I gave you the wrong notebook!"
"(y/n)! I was about to go see you about that. Do you mind if we talk for a bit though?"
"S-sure." I blush as he smiles at me. "I'm sorry for interrupting your practice!"
"It's alright." The coach smiles.

Kuroo stepped outside and I followed him. He seemed serious. Completely the opposite from his smiling self.
"I read what was inside. I didn't mean to."
I jolted. "W-what did you read?"
He turned around to face me, but he couldn't look at me. His face was red, which made me worry that he might know. Maybe he's embarrassed for me. He read what I wrote about him and he's going to turn me down before I even get the chance to properly tell him how I feel!
Kuroo was talking to long to speak.
"Forget about it!" I smiled. I smiled but on the inside I was crying. I snatched my journal from him and gave him the notes. "You can give them back later. Please forget about any of this." I turned and ran.

It's been awkward between me and Kuroo. He gave me my notes back the next day. I could tell he wanted to tell me something but I wouldn't give him the chance. I was too scared to be rejected.

One day after school, it started to rain unexpectedly. I didn't have a jacket nor an umbrella. I sighed as I braced myself to walk in the cold rain. After leaving the school gate, I stopped feeling the rain hit me. I looked up and saw Kuroo with an umbrella. He still couldn't look at me. I didn't know what to say, I was going to turn and leave but he grabbed my hand.
"Please, don't go," he said, though it was drowned out by the rain, "I'm not good at talking to girls. Especially really pretty girls. But please let me explain."
I looked at him, his face was red but he seemed really serious.
"I don't know if you're mad at me for reading something really personal to you, but I didn't mean to. I was just trying to find the notes. When I realized what you had accidentally given me instead, I was going to find you but you found me first. That day, I wanted to ask you something but you ran before I gathered up the courage to."
I stayed silent waiting for him to all his question.
"Actually I think I have 2 questions now. Are you mad at me?"
"No! I wasn't mad at you! It was my mistake in the first place! I was just scared of what you thought of me after reading all that."
"That's a relief." He smiled. He looked at me, finally. "I don't ever want to do anything to make you mad. I really like you, (y/n). A lot. And, this brings me to my next question. Will you go on a date with me?"
My heart stopped. At this very moment, all sound cut away. I could hear my own heart beat faster and the exhale of my breath. I was so sure I was dreaming but the chilling cold reminded me this was real.
"Yes!" I exclaimed in excitement!
"And," he continued, "I know you grew your hair out to get my attention. But if it really makes you uncomfortable, you can cut it. I liked your short hair better anyways."
All I could do was laugh at his awkwardness and give him a hug. But I never felt happier than right now.

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