Obey Me! (Levi)

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When I noticed Levi hadn't come down for dinner, I was worried

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When I noticed Levi hadn't come down for dinner, I was worried. Had he gotten sick? I guess I wore my emotions on my sleeve because Satan told me why Levi wasn't here.
"He what?!" I was angry now! He was skipping meals for an anime marathon?! That stupid otaku!
I piled a plate high with the food Satan had made (which was very good by the way) and marched to Levi's room.
I banged hard on the door and tried to open it but the door was locked.
"Leviathan! Open the damn door!" I had never used his whole name before. I didn't realize the effect it had on him either. I heard a scared squeal from inside before the door opened.
"MC, what are you doing? I'm trying to have a marathon!"
"You can't be skipping meals, you stupid otaku! What'll happen if you get sick?" I forced my way past him and saw that he had chips... a lot of chips.
"Are you kidding me?" I sighed.
"Are you mad? Why? What did I do?"
"I'm mad because you're skipping meals and eating so unhealthily! I'm confiscating all your chips and giving them to Beel. You eat the dinner Satan made."
"You wouldn't understand MC! 'I'm A Simple Girl Who Was Forced To Serve Angels Because Of A Deal My Mother Made To Save Me As An Infant But Now I'm Starting To Fall In Love With Them And I Don't Know Who To Choose' is a new anime that came out with 3 seasons at once, each with 30+ episodes! I HAVE to watch it!"
I sighed and put the plate of food I'd been holding for so long down on his drawer.
"Levi, I know how much anime means to you, but if it's making you skip meals and eat chips all day, then I... I feel like I have to save you from that."
I held his hands. They were soft but cold and sweaty. I was probably making him nervous just by holding his hand.
"Please come and eat." I put one hand on his cheek and stroke his cheek with my thumb. Levi blushed hard and tried to cover his face. If I pleaded with him like this, he'd be bound to agree.
Levi looked at the anime he paused and back at me.
"Alright, fine. I'll go eat." He pouted and I smiled. "But for interrupting my marathon, I am gonna need some kind of pay back." He mumbled the last part. I was guessing he meant spending more time with me and watching the anime together.
"Deal." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"H-hey! Don't go doing something like that out of nowhere! What are you trying to do, kill me?"
I laughed. "Come on, you stupid otaku." I dragged him out of his room my the hand and took him to eat at the dining hall. We were the last two there who hadn't eaten so we had even more time for ourselves.

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