The Old Well

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Never go near the old well. 

"There is an evil spirit of a witch that kills anyone who gets near it!"

Never go near the old well.

"Satan's followers use it for human sacrifices!"

Never go near the old well.

"Witches put a curse on it long ago! If you go near it, you will be possessed and cursed!"

The old well is something to be feared and everyone should stay away. 

One afternoon, my sister and I were out playing. We chased each other around, laughing and having fun until we noticed how far from home we've gone. 

"We shouldn't go too far, Anna! Mother will be cross!" I call out to my little sister.

"Jacob! Look!" Anna waved me over and pointed. I ran up the hill as fast as I could, almost tripping a few times. When I met up with her, I saw what she was pointing at.

The blood drained from my face and a chill ran down my spine. It was the old well.

I grabbed Anna's hand tightly and tried to lead her back home but she would not follow. She whined and demanded she go have a closer look. I did my best to get her away but Anna managed to free her hand from my grip and ran towards the well. I was too afraid to chase after her. It is my biggest regret.

I watched from a distance as Anna peered into the well. The winds picked up at that moment and what I saw next... I will never forget.

An inky black tentacle wrapped around my sister and dragged her inside. I heard her screaming echo until it just stopped. I ran back home and told my mother what I had seen. 

"I told her not to get near it! I told her!" I cried and screamed and mourned. Mother was furious but she put that anger away and comforted me and mourned with me.

Years later, I went back to the well. As scared of it as I was, I wanted revenge. I marched up the hill, shaking with fear and anger. I hadn't been here since that day. The closer I got to the well, the more my instincts told me to turn and run. I wanted to, but I needed to kill the thing that took my sister.

Standing right in front of it, the temperature seemed to drop significantly. I cautiously and hesitantly looked into the well. 

"Whatever hell-spawn creature you are, I've come to kill you!" I shouted. I heard my own voice echo back a few times until it was silent again. I waited a while for the creature to come out but it wouldn't. I screamed in frustration and grabbed the biggest rock I could find and threw it down the well.

"Show yourself!" I shouted as loud as I possibly could.

There was a gurgling sound coming from the darkness of the well. Then something seemingly almost human appeared. It had the shape of a human but it was made of the same thick, black ink that took my sister. 

"Brother... help me." It mimicked her voice. It opened its eyes and immediately I recognized that those had belonged to my sister. They had the same soft and innocent look. I stumbled back in shock.

This creature... how dare it! How dare it use her sweet voice and innocent eyes! Armed with only a small kitchen knife, I tried to stab the demon. My strike had no effect. It didn't even bleed. 

The creature took hold of me and lifted me off the ground. I struggled but found it was impossible to escape. A tentacle of ink forced its way in my mouth and down my throat. I was suffocating and quickly losing consciousness.

I'm sorry Anna.

I awoke on the ground near the well. I was surprised I was alive but did not question it. I ran back home before God decided to take his miracle back. 

I dropped to my knees and held my stomach. I hunched over and retched repeatedly. My stomach was in severe pain. Finally I was able to vomit. Out came thick, black ink. 

The doctors could do nothing for me. I could not eat nor drink. I am in a constant state of vomiting the black ink. Cursed for the rest of my life.

I may not have died that day but I believe this is far worse than death.

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