Hunter X Hunter (Kurapika)

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My body hurt all over. I was in and out of consciousness as I begged for someone to save me or for my captor to kill me.
I've lost all sense of time. I...
"Hey, are you alive?" I hear. The sound of the heavy door makes me flinch. I say nothing as I hear those footsteps growing closer. I dared not move. Though I've never heard this voice before, I was still unsure if they were friendly.
A soft hand caresses my cheek. I pull away immediately.
"So you are awake, that's good. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm going to get you out of here." They said quietly.
"We have to hurry."
"I..." my voice croaks, "I can't walk. My legs..."
"Alright, I'm going to have to carry you. First let's get this rope and blindfold off of you."
The rope fell to the floor and my arms fell limp to my side. Then the blindfold was taken off. And for the first time in ages, I saw a person. I was surprised to see the person who saved me was some teen. He had grey eyes and blonde hair.
"There we go." He smiled. It was the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.
"Oh, did I hurt you?" He asked. I wiped my tears away and shook my head. I wrapped my arms around him.
"This is the first time I've seen someone in so long. I'm glad I got to see you smile at me. Thank you."
He smiled again. "Well, we're not out of here yet. My friends are facing the guys that kidnapped you. They're keeping them busy so we can make an escape."
He ran as fast as he could with me weighing down on him, which is surprisingly faster than I thought. He ran down so many hallways and stairs, I could have sworn we were going in circles. All the movement hurt, but I did my best to not worry him.
We finally made it outside. I looked up at the night sky, I saw the stars. They were beautiful.
"Almost out of here. Just gotta hop that—" he was cut off and I was thrown across the field. I curled up in pain and looked over to see what had happened.
The boy who had saved me was now being lifted by his collar by some man.
"You're the chain user, ain't ya?! I know a couple of people who would love to get their hands on you!"
"KURAPIKA!" Someone else shouted. A pair of kids. I couldn't see them clearly but one had dark hair and the other had white hair. I was scared. He gave me dangerous vibes. I was shaking uncontrollably. How could anyone be calm around him.
"Gon! Killua! Get her out of here!"
"What about you?!"
"I'll be fine! Hurry!"
The kids ran to me and the dark haired boy carried me over his shoulder with ease. I squealed in pain.
"I'm sorry, but we have to leave right now!"
"What about your friend? You can't just leave him there! That guy'll kill him!"
"Kurapika is strong, he will be ok." The white haired boy responded.

I hesitated to open my eyes, scared that I'll only be met with darkness. But, when I did, I was met with a somewhat familiar pair of eyes. My head throbbed trying to remember.
"You're awake! I'm glad!"
"Where am I?"
"The hospital. You're hurt very badly, but luckily nothing fatal."
"My head..." I say as I rubbed my temples.
"I know. Don't worry, just take this and it'll go away." He handed me a small cup of liquid. Seeing my hesitation he added, "Don't worry, it's medicine."
"Thank you."
"I don't mean to bring back horrible memories, but I have to ask, do you know how long you were there?"
I stiffened. The blonde boy stood silent waiting for an answer.
"I... I don't know. I've lost all sense of time in there. I was kept blindfolded the whole time. They tortured me, they... they used me... I heard them talking about selling me." I started crying just thinking of all the things they've done to me. I looked at the boy and noticed he was shaking, his fists balled and knuckles white. His eyes... his eyes were scarlet. They looked beautiful but I could see something in them... Rage.
"Are you ok?" I asked timidly, afraid to get hurt.
"They should have gotten worse than how I left them!" He stood up and walked out the room, pushing past someone who was coming in.
"Hey, Kurapika! Don't just push past me and not apologize! Don't ignore me!" He shouted. He seemed like a hot head, quick to anger. He looked at me and immediately calmed down.
"Oh, you're awake? Sorry if I frightened you. Do you know what's up with Kurapika?"
"I told him what they did to me and his eyes turned scarlet."
"He must be pissed. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. Actually, I should check on him."

A few hours later, I tossing and turning in the hospital bed, unable to sleep for so many reasons. I opened my eyes and yet again met a familiar sight. It felt comforting. Seeing his eyes every time I opened mine. It was dark but the moonlight gave me enough light to see my surroundings.
"You're ok. Please, try to sleep." He said.
"What about you? Are you ok?" I asked.
"Yes. I'm ok."
"Your eyes... they turned scarlet."
He sighed. "I'm the last living member of the Kurta clan. Our eyes turn scarlet when we experience intense emotions. When you told me what those monsters did to you, I got angry."
"I'm sorry." I said. It slipped.
"There's nothing for you to apologize for. You should get some rest now."
"I'm afraid. I'm afraid I'll open my eyes and see nothing."
"I promise I'll be here when you wake up. I'm Kurapika by the way. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier."
"I'm (y/n)."
He smiled at me again.
"Thank you for saving me."
"You don't have to thank me."
"If I try to sleep, will you promise you'll be the first one I see when I wake up again?"
"I promise."


Kurapika and I have been dating for a few months. After he and his friends saved me, Kurapika always stayed with me until I recovered. They offered that I traveled with them. At first I was too afraid but after a while of getting to know them, I agreed. It took so long for me to become accustomed to many things that I had been so deprived of. Soft, kind touches was one of them.
With Kurapika's help, along with his friends, I slowly stopped flinching to any touches and I've had less nightmares. Of course the nightmares will never truly be gone, but I'll always have Kurapika. His eyes being the first I see every time I open mine, just like when we first met.

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