Boku No Hero Academia (Hawks)

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I had woken up from the worst nightmare and was in a state of panic. The room was too dark to see anything which freaked me out even more.
"What's wrong?" I heard Hawks whisper.
I couldn't speak, I was still trying to catch my breath and figure out if I was still dreaming or not.
"Hey, relax, kid. You're ok." He held my hand gently and brought me closer to his bare chest. His skin was soft and warm. I could feel it rise and fall with every breath he took.
"Ssshh... You're safe. I'm here."
"N-night-..." I stutter.
I nod and he pulled me in tighter, wrapping his wings around me as well.
"It wasn't real." He kissed my head. "You're safe. You're with me. I'm here."
My body slowly stopped shaking and I was able to use his calm breathing to help me catch my breath. I slid my hands up his arms and wrapped them around his neck.
"Kiss." I say, but it sounded more like a question.
"Of course, baby bird." He gave me soft kisses on my head, my forehead, my cheek, and my lips. It was the most comforting thing I had ever felt. After Hawks pulled away, he asked if I wanted to talk about it.
"Those creatures... they got me..." I was hesitating to talk about it, not wanting to get into detail.
"You know I won't let those things touch you, baby bird. I'll always be here to protect you."
Again he kissed my head. "I love you baby bird."
The warmth from his body and his wings was starting  to lull me back to sleep.
"How about tomorrow we stay in bed all day?"
"But don't you have—?"
"You are more important to me. I can't leave you alone after all this. Besides, every morning you're practically begging me to stay."
"Thank you." I softly say.
"Tch, you don't need to thank me."

After a few more minutes of cuddling and Hawks whispering sweet nothings, I fell back asleep. I didn't have the nightmare again, but I didn't have a good dream either. And, in the morning, Hawks stayed in bed with me. I couldn't be happier to have someone like him in my life.

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