Writing Prompt on Tumblr

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Prompt: Due to a paperwork filing error you, a terrifying demonic creature, are now trapped in contract with a small little girl. She is constantly summoning you to play tag, check for monsters in the closet, look at her drawings... It's truly torture.

"Beleth!" I heard my name echo in my head. The voice of a child. I groan and try to ignore my summons to my little master. I have wars to plan and do not have the time to play her games. All this because some moron left behind strictly confidential notes in the human realm. It was just my luck that the human that found this information to not only summon me, but bind me in contract, was this child.

"Beleth!" I hear once more. Unable to ignore my summons any longer, I take my leave.

I appear in the room of my little master. A mess as always. Toys and trash littered the floor. The walls that once had been a light purple are now stained with marker drawings, one of which was a triangle by which my little master had summoned me for the first time just last year.

"You called, Little Master?" I mumble in annoyance.

"I'm bored!" She groaned. "Let's play tea party!"

All this child ever summons me for is to play childish games. I used to lead armies! I had 85 legions under my command!! And now I'm stuck taking commands from a child! How humiliating and frustrating!

"Yes, Little Master. What will you have me do?" I ask, hiding my indignation.

My little master runs to the closet and pulls out a very small plastic tea set. Although, the tea set looked much bigger in her tiny hands compared to mine. She places the tea cups on the small table in the middle of the room one by one. I walk over, careful to not crush the toys on the ground, but with my size, it is nearly impossible.

Holding the plastic teapot in her hand, they ask, "Would you like some tea, Beleth?"

"I do not drink tea, Little Master." I reply as I take a seat on the tiny plastic chair that is much too small for me.

"You're supposed to say yes." She whispers to me.

"Apologies. Yes, Little Master, I would enjoy some tea."

She smiles and tips the teapot into my teacup, but nothing comes out. She then pours for herself and takes a sip.

"Yummy!" She exclaims and takes another sip. "Do you like it, Beleth?"

I stare in confusion, "There is no tea in my cup, Little Master."

She groans. "It's make-believe, you gave to pretend!"

"Forgive me, Little Master, I am unfamiliar with the concept of 'make-believe'."

Just before my little master could explain to me, there was a loud crash followed by muffled shouting. This happened most days, usually when the sun was setting. Today was early.

My little master ran in the closet and hid. I do not normally care for any human altercations, but this seemed to affect my little master and cause her a great deal of stress and fear. When first summoned, she didn't seem at all afraid of me, yet this fills her with fear?

I followed her into the closet. She had their eyes shut tight and hands over her ears in an attempt to silence the sounds.

"Little Master, if it is your wish, I can make the shouting stop for good."


"By your word, I will silence the banshee. I will drag them to depths of hell where they can live in fear as you are now by tenfold."

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