Miraculous Ladybug (Marichat)

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After meeting a few times, it started becoming a weekly thing for the both of them to meet up on Marinette's balcony at night and just talk. Tonight was no different. Adrien always looks forward to seeing his friend and getting closer to her, even if it was as Chat Noir.
Marinette was talking to Alya, and as Adrien passed by, he noticed how upset she looked.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, standing in front of them.
Marinette jumped and his her face behind her hands.
"It's nothing!" She shouted sounding embarrassed. "I was just telling Alya a-about, uh," she struggled to finish her sentence and looked over at Alya for help.
"About a sad story she was reading!"
"Yeah! Just thinking about it makes me tear up!"
Adrien wasn't convinced but didn't press for the truth. He'd probably hear about it tonight as Chat.

After school, at nightfall, Adrien snuck out and went to see Marinette. He waited on her balcony for a while, but she didn't show up. Calling out to her probably want a good idea so he decided to just let himself in.
He walked down the steps leading to her room and heard quiet sniffling.
"Marinette?" He softly called out.
Marinette got scared and let out a yelp.
"Chat? What are you doing in my room?!"
"Sorry. I waited but you didn't show up."
"I know. I... just wanted to be alone tonight."
"What's wrong, purr-incess?"
When she didn't answer, he went and sat at the edge of her bed.
"Chat, please leave."
"Don't be like that. Just tell me what's wrong."
Realizing he wasn't going to leave, Marinette sighed and sat up wiping her tear-stained face.
She explained how she was rejected by someone she liked and how she thought he liked her back. She was trying to move on from her biggest crush and ended up falling for this guy.
Chat Noir pulled her into a hug and just held her tight. "Marinette, you're an amazing girl! If they don't see how great you are, then they don't deserve you."
Marinette wrapped her arms around his torso and cried. Even though Chat is such a flirt, he always knew when to be serious and how to cheer her up.
Chat patted her hair and kissed the top of her head. "Please, stop crying. I can't take it anymore. It hurts to see you so sad."
"Thank you, Chat." She smiled against his chest as the last tear fell. "Could we stay like this for a bit longer?" She asked.
Chat hummed in thought. "No, but-!" He laid on her bed comfortably and pulled her on top of him, "-we can stay like this. More comfortable, right?"
Marinette blushed. Chat laid on his back, head on her pillow, while she was on top. Her head was still on his chest but the lower half of her body fell between his legs.
"I could stay here all night if you want." Chat added.
"But what if-?"
"Forget about anyone else. Do you want me here?"
Marinette hummed a yes.
"Ok then, I'll stay."

For a while it was silent. Chat would quietly pet her head with one hand as he held her with the other. Then Marinette struck up a conversation. Their talk went all over the place. They talked about all kinds of things together just like normal. It wasn't long until they got to the topic of Chat's flirty nature, a common topic for them.
"I am great at flirting!"
"You can't even fluster me!" Marinette laughs. "And I fluster easy!"
Chat took this as a challenge. With a swift movement, he switched their positions. Marinette was now on her back, her wrists pinned to the bed and Chat was on top, one leg between hers. He got so close to her that their lips were just touching. She could feel his hot breath, and, for a moment, thought about kissing him.
Marinette turned completely red.
"Flustered are we?" Chat teased.
"Shut up! I just didn't expect it!"
Chat kissed her nose and got off her.
Marinette playfully punched him.
"I'm sorry!" He laughed. He himself was a little bit red. He never thought that actually kissing her would cross his mind. In that moment, how cute she looked under him, it really made him want to try and kiss her.
"I thought you were actually going to kiss me for a second." Marinette laughed a little.
"I did too." He slipped. He looked at Marinette and saw that she was surprised. She wasn't disgusted so that put his mind at ease a bit.
Truth is, Chat/Adrien had been in love with Marinette for a while and it was hard for him to hide his feelings. When Luka came along, it felt a little easier and he felt he should distance himself when he saw how much Marinette liked Luka.
"I should go." He said.
"Don't go! Not like this! I feel like you won't come back if you leave like this!"
"Mari... I know you don't like me that way so I was trying to spare you— no, I was trying to spare myself the rejection. I feel like I messed up our friendship, which was the last thing I wanted."
"Chat!" She caught his arm before he got up to the balcony. "I don't want an explanation, I just want you to promise you'll be back. Promise you won't leave!"
He hesitated for a minute but, in the end, he promised.
Her face, so full of worry... Chat couldn't help but really kiss her this time. It was a quick kiss on the lips but, for Chat, it felt like a lifetime.
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself this time." He apologized.
Marinette stood shocked, her grip on Chat loosened and he left. Electric. That's how the kiss felt to her. She found the strength to lift her hand and run her fingers softly over her lips.

After returning home, Adrien fell back on his bed and sighed. He was worried that he may have ruined his friendship with Marinette as Chat but was glad that as Adrien everything was alright.
He stopped going to see Marinette weekly, which made her worry. He didn't want to risk losing Marinette so he did what he thought was best, which was give her some space.
"Alya," Marinette whispered, "if I tell you a very important secret, can you promise not to say a word to anyone?"
"Of course Marinette! Your secret is safe with me."
"Well, once a week for the past few months, Chat Noir and I get together and just talk."
"SSHHHH!!!" Marinette explained how it all started and then finally got to the problem.
"I'm worried that he won't come back."
"Girl, if I didn't know any better I would've thought you liked him."
"Like Chat Noir?" She questioned thoughtfully. It only dawned on her at this moment what her feelings for Chat Noir was. Chat was always there for her like no one else and she trusted him with everything.
"Well, whatever, but for now I think you should just give him some time. He'll come back when he's ready."
"I know, but I just want to make sure that we're still friends and nothings changed."

Another few weeks pass and Chat was still a no show every week. Marinette stayed up on the balcony yet again, waiting for Chat's return. She leaned against the rail and rested her head on her fist. It was getting late and Marinette was about to call it when Chat's soft apologetic voice startled her.
"I'm sorry for being away so long. I just thought you'd need some space." He jumped down from the roof and stood in front of her.
"Chat," she sighed, "are we still friends?"
"Of course we are! I mean, if you still want to be."
"I do!" She said rather quickly.
"Marinette, just so we're on the same page I want to tell you: I am in love with you. But I still want us to be friends."
"Chat, listen to me."
"It's ok, you don't have to say anything. Can we just forget the whole thing?"
"Chat Noir, I like you too!" Marinette shouted impatiently.
He blinked. "You... you do?"
"Yes, silly kitty!"
"Then... can I kiss you? Properly?"
"Come here." Marinette pulled Chat closer and kissed him. It was soft and passionate and it was new. She never expected to fall for Chat, his flirty personality was something she would usually roll her eyes at, but after getting to know him better, she realized that he was a great person to hang out with and talk to. As Ladybug, she already knew how reliable he was and how strong he was. But there were some things that Chat told Marinette that he never would've told Ladybug. He trusts her as much as she trusts him.

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