Obey Me!

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"So what if we do this dangerous but super fun thing?" I propose. Me, and 6 of the demon brothers sat around bored out of our minds.
"You shouldn't do something to reckless, MC." Satan yawned. The boredom was making him and everyone else sleepy.
"But it'll be fun! Besides, what if it goes better than expected?"
"And if it doesn't?" Levi added.
"But, and hear me out," I say thoughtfully, "what if it does?"
Everyone groaned, they knew they weren't going to change my stubborn mind.
"Well take every safety precautions necessary." Satan said.
"Are we really gonna let them?!" Mammon exclaims, waking Belphie from his nap on my lap. I pet his head trying to let him sleep more, but he got up.
"It'll be fun!"
Mammon looks at me, a small blush spread across his cheeks. "Fine! But I ain't gonna take care of ya if ya get hurt! I got better things to do, so don't come cryin' to me!"
"Lol! We know you're gonna be the first one to MC's side!" Levi laughed. The blush on Mammon's face grew as he told his brother to shut up.

Later in the day, everyone helped me get the things we needed for this stunt and met up at the highest hill in the Devildom.
"Long plastic tarp?"
"Basket that could fit two people?"
"Buckets of water to make the tarp slippery?"
"Highest hill in all the Devildom?"
"We're ready!" I say excitedly.
"You forgot all the safety equipment." Satan put a helmet on my head. "At the very least, we want to make sure you don't hit your head."
After the tarp was all set and watered down, I climbed into the basket ready for the fun to begin. As Mammon and Satan pour more water on the tarp, Beel gives me a push down the hill.
At first everything was going good, and fun, then just before I got to the base of the hill I hit something, causing me to fly out the basket.
I was lucky Satan gave me the helmet, I probably would have hurt my head so bad. When I tried to get up, there was a excruciating pain in my arm and chest. It hurt to breathe.
"MC!!!" I heard everyone shout my name in unison as the came to my rescue.
"Where does it hurt?" Satan asked. I could hear the panic in his voice but he was doing his best to stay calm.
"Chest... arm..." I managed to say.
"Don't worry, we'll..." Satan's voice turned muffled and my vision went blurry.

When I woke up, I felt the pain from earlier and was reminded of what had happened. I look at my body and see a cast on my arm and bandages on my chest. Then I saw Mammon... and Belphie, and even Satan sleeping at the edges of the bed.
"Guys?" I managed to whisper.
"MC! You're awake!"
"Where am I?"
"You're in a human hospital. We couldn't trust demons taking care of you so we brought you here."
"Levi, Lucifer, Asmo, and Beel are talking to the doctors."
"I shouldn't have let ya do this! Now look at ya! You're hurt!" Mammon shouted. He sounded regretful and blamed himself as if he was the one to come up with the idea, the one who encouraged me to do it.
"It's not your fault. I knew it would be dangerous."
"Well I shoulda stopped ya! Even if it meant you'd be mad at me, at least you would've been safe!" I didn't understand why Mammon felt responsible for my actions. I didn't know what to tell him other than it wasn't his fault.
The doctor and everyone else came in.
"Ah, you're awake!" The doctor chimed. "As I was telling these gentlemen here, there were no fatal injuries, just a broken arm and rib and a lot of bruising. The break in your rib was clean so it should heal up in no time. You will be staying overnight just in case, then you can go home tomorrow. Just get lots of rest, no unnecessary movement."
"Thank you, doctor." Lucifer said. The doctor nodded and left us to talk.
"MC, you do realize that you will be punished for your actions." Lucifer said sternly. He was angry about my stupidity but I could tell he was just relieved that I wasn't dead.
"We're all at fault." Beel spoke up. "We knew it was dangerous but we didn't stop MC."
"Very well. You shall all receive punishment when we get back home. For now let's let MC rest."
"Wait!" I blurted, causing me some pain in my chest, "Can one of you please stay with me? I... I don't like hospitals."
They all looked at each other and all volunteered at once.
"Actually, I want Mammon to stay with me. I need to talk to him anyways."

After everyone had left and it was only the two of us, I pat the bed to let Mammon know to sit next to me.
"Why are you putting all the blame on yourself? And don't try to act like nothing is wrong."
Mammon sighed, "I promised myself that I would make sure you were always safe. I couldn't keep that promise and now look at where ya ended up."
"It was my stupid idea though. You wouldn't have been able to talk me out of it anyway."
"Aarrrhhh! You don't get it! I'm tryna tell you..!" He ruffled his hair in frustration. "I can't stand the thought of seeing ya hurt. It's killing me even looking at ya right now!"
"But this doesn't tell me why you blame yourself for my actions."
"Because I could've stopped you! Or, I could've found a smaller hill! Or tell Lucifer! The point is I could've done something to make sure you were safe because I love you too much to see you get hurt!"
We sat in silence for a moment. I waited for him to calm down before putting my hand on his shoulder. Then I saw it. A single tear falling from his face.
"I was so scared. After you had passed out I wasn't sure if you were alive or..." his breaking voice trailed off. "If I couldn't see your face or hear your voice anymore, I don't think I'd have the will to live."
"Mammon..." I whisper. I didn't know how to respond to this except by pulling him in as gently as possible for a hug. I was in pain but right now I couldn't compare it to what Mammon must've been feeling.

The next morning I was released from the hospital and we all went back to the Devildom. I was unable to leave my room so the demons each took turns caring for me. Beel usually helped me when I had to get up for a bath or for the restroom by carrying me (which the others did not like). Satan and Levi would keep my company and recommend me books, manga, and anime to watch. Belphie would stay with me for nap time and Asmo would help me stay happy with makeovers and spa days. Mammon would come comfort with me and give me kisses when I was hurting (we kept that between us). Lucifer made sure I was drinking water and taking my pain medication properly. And each would take turns eating with me in my room.
As much as I loved the attention, I was just looking forward to when I can cause more trouble! This time something less dangerous so as to spare the heart attacks from the others.

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