Boku No Hero Acadamia (Bakugo)

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"Oh my god! What is your problem?! I was just talking to him!" I yelled. Katsuki has been yelling at me seemingly for no reason. I was just talking to some guy on the phone, an old friend of mine from my middle school. When Katsuki found out, he took my phone and hung up on him. We had been fighting since.
"I don't want you talking to him!"
"Oh my god you are being too controlling and toxic! I can talk to whoever I want!"
Small explosions started popping in his hands, "Fine! Talk to whoever you want! We're through!"
I was stunned, and angry. "You can't break up with me! I'm breaking up with you!" I shouted back, but he wasn't listening anymore. He was already walking away, stomping and slamming doors. It pissed me off even more.
I ran up to him, grabbed his shoulder, "Don't fucking slam my doors!! You know what, get the hell out! Get out!"
"Get the hell off me!"
I started grabbing his jacket and other belongings and shoving it in his chest.
"Get out! I want you to move out!"
"If you fucking touch me again..." he threatened through gritted teeth.
"What, huh? What'll you do?! Hit me? Let's see how that turns out for you! 'Pro Hero Dynamight hits ex!'"
I knew I wasn't helping the situation, but I was blinded by anger. I kept pushing his buttons. He wouldn't get out despite what I threatened and how much I yelled at him.
My voice became hoarse so I stopped yelling and just locked myself in our— my room. I grabbed his stuff from his side of the closet, his drawers, and his toothbrush and carried them out the front door.
"What the fuck?! That's my stuff!" He shouted when he saw.
"I told you I want you to move out. I mean it. Get the fuck out my house."
I was starting to calm down now that I wasn't yelling. That's when reality hit me. 7 years of this relationship... has... ended.
"Why the hell are you crying?!"
"I still love you." I choked. "But if this is how you're going to be when I talk to another guy, I can't stay with you."
He was quiet. Or, at least, I didn't hear him say anything through my sobs. I kept muttering to myself through my sobs how much I didn't want this to end this way and how much I still love him.
"I'm sorry." Bakugo said softly, pulling me into his chest. "I got jealous and insecure. Hearing you laughing and seeing you smile so much when you talked to that asshole made me upset. I wasn't upset with you, I was upset with myself." He paused. "I thought maybe he could make you happier and it pissed me off! I didn't mean when I said we're through. I can't see myself next to anyone but you."
I wrapped my arms loosely around him and cried into his chest, my tears staining his shirt.
"I don't want to break up! I don't want you to go! I'm sorry!"
I felt Katsuki's hand on my head, "Idiot. I know that. You don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong."

After calming down, we cleaned up the mess from our fight and decided to spend the rest of our day together. Katsuki made dinner like always and I did my best to help. We sat together and watched a movie as we ate. Everything went back to normal, as if our fight never happened. We didn't have a talk but I'm sure we both knew the boundaries we mentally set. I'd try to keep my talking to other guys to a minimum and he'd try to keep his cool.

In the end I was just glad we didn't actually break up.

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