Boku No Hero Academia (Shigaraki Tomura)

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I met him when I joined the League of Villains. I didn't make a good first impression on him, that is, until he tried to kill me. His quirk let's him decay everything he touches. So, when he grabbed me by the throat to kill me and nothing happened, he was curious what my quirk was.
"Immunity." I simply said. "I'm immune to most quirks. Quirks like Dabi's or All Might's will still harm me, but yours..." I click my tongue, "doesn't do a thing."

That was a long time ago. Now, he and I are sort of together. He often forgets that my quirk allows him to touch me with his whole hand. When he does, he will freak out.
"You can't hurt me." I tell him as I grab his hand and put it on my throat.
He pulls my closer to him and teases a kiss.
"You're the only person I could touch and not kill." He reminds himself.
"Touch me all you want." I bite my lip.
"Go get a room." I hear Dabi say from behind. I roll my eyes and turn to look at him, pissed he ruined the moment.
Though my quirk only allows immunity from other quirks, I was still handy with any weapons given to me. Be it knife or gun, hell, even a box cutter, I could use it to the fullest.
I threw a glass cup at Dabi. He easily dodged it and I took that split second to press a knife to his throat. Looking at Dabi, he didn't seemed fazed at all.
Shigaraki grabbed my wrist and made me lower the knife. "Enough." He said sounding annoyed.
"Prick." I stuck my tongue out at Dabi.

Later that night as I slept next to Shigaraki, I felt his hand searching for mine. I could help but wonder how long it's been since he's had human contact. Ever since the first time he tried to kill my, he'd always find an excuse to touch me. Then when I told him I didn't mind him touching me whenever he wanted, he's been... clingy.
"I'm here." I whisper as I give him my hand. "Touch me all you want. I'm yours."

There have been many times when we're alone together that he grabs my hands and compare their size, or him just holding my face, or even feeling me up (which often led to sex). He just couldn't get enough. And I'm glad I could be the one to do this for him. It's something only I could do.

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