Boku No Hero Academia (Hawks)

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I never understood people's fascination with the number two pro hero. He's just a pretty face with a good quirk, that's it.
"Look! There goes Hawks!" A civilian squealed as she pointed in the sky. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I just wanted to get back home so I can finish working on some work.
Behind me I could hear people scream, but I ignored it thinking they were screaming about Hawks some more. Then someone grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me against them. I felt the cold blade of a knife at my throat.
"I'm taking you as a hostage!" He shouted. It seemed like he was scared. A petty thief perhaps. He dragged me into a small building and now had more hostages.
I was only a little scared. But seeing our captor was even more frightened, I wasn't too worried.
"Don't even think about using your quirks!" He shouted as he pointed the knife at all of us.
Besides me, there were three other people.
I stood up.
He points his knife at me.
I walk away.
He did nothing.
Seeing that this frightened villain won't actually harm them, the others followed my lead and walked out.
"Don't walk away from me!" He yelled. I turned and realized he was charging at me. I had no way of protecting myself. I'm quirkless and have no training. I close my eyes and wait.
This is taking a while... I thought to myself.
When I opened my eye the villain was knocked out, surrounded by red feathers.
A squeal.
I heard his wings from behind me.
"Hey there little bird, you ok? Didn't get hurt, did ya?"
I turned. Hawks was slightly above the ground but he was definitely talking to me.
"I'm fine." The walk away.
"Hang on. I need to talk to you. Can you tell me what happened?"
"Hell if I know."
"Do you know him?"
"You're not being very helpful."
"I'd rather talk to the police than a no-good hero with a pretty face."
"You think I'm pretty?" He smirked. "Don't worry, police will arrive soon. Stay here until then, ok?"
"I need to get home. I have work to get done."
"I'll make sure this is quick. After all I am one of the fastest heroes."
We waited for the police. Many people started to crowd around us, swooning over Hawks and taking pictures with him. Finally the police came. They asked everyone to clear out while they made the arrest and talk to me and Hawks.
"I don't know him. He tried to hold me and three others as hostages."
"How did you escape?" The police officer asked.
"I just walked out. I figured with how frightened he seemed, he wouldn't actually hurt me or the others. That's when he charged at me with his knife."
"You were brave. Thank you for your time."
"No problem officer."
I was allowed to go home now. And even though I knew I needed to get my work done, I just wanted to relax after today's events.

I had almost reached my apartment when I heard the sound of wings flapping. It sounded way too loud to by any normal bird flying overhead. I look up and see Hawks. He's coming down.
"Did you follow me home?!" I shout at him.
"Well, not really. You left before I could talk to you. I've just been flying around trying to spot you from the sky." He smiled.
"I don't want to talk to you. I just want to get home and relax."
"What happened to doing work?"
"After the day I had, I deserve a day off."
"I heard you giving your statement to the police. Must've been scary."
"Not really. Look, I don't want you knowing where I live exactly so could you leave?"
"I get the feeling you don't like me."
"What gave it away?" I ask sarcastically.
He chuckled. "I'm curious to know why you don't like me. It's not everyday I find someone who hates me."
"Don't flatter yourself. I don't hate only you. I hate heroes. I hate quirks."
"Oh really? You even hate your own quirk?"
I stop and shift uncomfortably.
"I don't have a quirk." I mumble.
"I'm quirkless! I don't have a quirk! Not that's it's your business."
Hawks was silent for a bit.
"I guess I sort of understand why you hate heroes and quirks now."
"Why are you still talking to me?! Leave!"
"Alright, alright. Fine, I'll leave. But you've piqued my interest. You may hate me now but I'll change that." He smirked.
"Go ahead and try bird brain."

"And that, kids, is how I met your mother." Hawks smiled as he finished his story. Three little children, all the same age, clapped. They climbed up Hawk's legs and Hawks picked them up. Two of the children had little baby wings just like their father, the other didn't. One was blonde (the one with no wings) and the other two had dark brown hair.
"Keigo! You're supposed to be putting them to bed!" I yelled from next door.
"They're all sound asleep!" He shouted back. I knew he was lying though. I couldn't help but smile.
I heard him struggling to put the kids to bed and get them to settle down and I offered to help but Keigo insisted that I stay in bed. He's hardly ever home these days and he feels bad leaving me with three kids on my own so often that he does everything when he is home.

Finally he came back to bed.
"What made up story did you tell them this time?"
"Nothing made up. Just told them the story of how we fell in love at first sight." He replies as he snuggles close to me.
"You definitely made it up." I kiss him.
Our door creaked open and little footsteps came closer to the bed.
One of the triplets, the one with no wings, Ame, says, "I wanna sleep wif you mommy."
I pick him up and lay him between me and Keigo.
"Mommy? When will I get my wings?" Ame whispers sadly.
It hurts to think that Ame would grow up without a quirk. I can't help but feel the inevitable distance it'll cause between his other brothers. I didn't have an answer for him. But thank god Kei took over.
"Wings or no wings, you're still as special as your brothers! You can still be strong like Mommy without wings."
Ame smiled.
"Bed time. You have daycare tomorrow."
Ame threw his head down on the pillow and fell fast asleep.
"Thank you." I whisper to my beloved.
He smiles and reaches for my hand, "I love you."
"I love you too."

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