Chapter Fifteen: Finality

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This chapter has been creeping in my mind for quiet awhile, and I know some have been curious.

Goth pushed his vegetables around his plate, a slight frown on his face.

"Goth, eat all your food," Geno said as he ate also.

"Sorry mom," Goth replied, he quickly began to eat them.

Why did he feel like he was forgetting something?

Right, Palette wanted to play today.

"You want to grow tall after all," Reaper teased, Goth sent him a dry look.

"Tell that to someone not stuck in a child's body," Goth responded, his siblings who weer showing more normal growth patterns giggled.

"Right, your done. Now brush your teeth hon, then you can go play," Geno said taking Goths now empty plate.

"Thanks mom!" Goth beamed rushing off to do so, Genos laughter followed him.


Two children sat by a pond, skipping rocks on its smooth surface.

One was an immortal child, another was a child of a god.

What they would be when matured, no one was quiet sure.

Palette hummed thoughtfully, enjoying his time with Goth.

"Our parents seem so busy lately," Goth finally said, skipping another rock.

"Mom said there had been more multiverse shakes, another AU vanished and it wasn't the destroyer," Palette sighed, well more Dream had told Uncle Blue hadn't realized he'd been just outside the room.

"That's.. what... five this week so far?" Goth said worriedly.

"Seven..." Palette said softly.

"Oh..." Goth said trailing off.

They froze briefly as the AU around them shook, pulling there friend closer to them in comfort.

Palette sighed in relief when in stopped.

"I'm scared..." Goth whispered.

Palette would admit he was too.


They were arguing.

A lot of people were arguing lately, Palette and Goth huddled behind a plant and wished everyone wasn't arguing.

It was the blame game.

Everyone blaming everyone else for the chaos the multiverse was in.

That last Multiverse shake... had ripped apart twenty originals, taking them and there copies to the void.

Aftertale was one of them.

Goth gave a bitter sob, Aftertale gone meant it took his mother with it.


Not even Death could find his soul.

Palette could only offer comfort to his friend, wishing this morning had been a nightmare.

No one knew where error was, but the anti-void was missing...

He was most likely gone also.

"Hey..." a voice said, a voice so much sadder then ever before.

"Dad..." Goth sniffled looking up, tears running down his face. Gently Reaper picked his eldest yet smallest child up, gently cradling one of the few remaining links to his mate.

"We'll find a way to fix this," Reaper promised him.

"Wha... what if you don't, what if Reapertale vanishes next," Goth sobbed.

"Hey, none of that," Reaper said, gently drying his tears. He paused, and then pulled his gaster plaster pendant off and placed it around Goths neck. "This.. is my promise, your dad will always be with you and I love you... I won't vanish on you."

Goth gave a weak smile, then cried out and hugged his dad as the multiverse shook again.

This time.. it didn't stop.


The traveller woke up crying, soft sobs slipping from his mouth.

It.. had been a very long time since they had thought of those final days, his hands clenched the gaster blaster pendant.

Sometimes... he wondered if ever finding a new home was even possible.

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