Chapter Thirty-One: A bit of help

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This world is an Original, enjoy

There story always began here, falling into the underground.

Frisk had tried to avoid it what the runs started at earlier points, she didn't climb the mountain... no problem she'd get kidnapped by a Cult and thrown down.

Be swimming instead, earthquake and the earth would swallow her whole and an underground river would land her face down in waterfall.

Take a plane, the plane trashed and they'd somehow end the only survivor... landing in the hole.

Frisk hadn't even been near the mountain!

Sans had just sighed, and gave a strange explanation of fixed time points.

Was one reset without going down too much to ask.

They sighed sitting by the holes, they really needed a vacation and so did Sans really.

"Staring at it won't change anything," a voice said, Frisk shrieked in shock and almost fell into the underground if a bony hand hadn't pulled them back. Wait.. boney, they turned and stared in shock seeing a strange skeleton monster child... above ground before the barrier was broken.

"Wha.. how?" Frisk asked in shock.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just... visiting," the other grinned.

"I'm Frisk," she said gathering her wits.

"Traveller," the monster said.

"Your not from around here are you?" she asked.

"Nope, far far away." he grinned "But what got you so down, isn't this where your runs begin?"

"Oh.. so you know, I.. I'm just so tired... nothing I do ends the resets and only small things I can change. No matter what I do I end down below," she sighed.

"Ouch, I can't stop the resets but I can give you this," Traveller said clasping something around her right wrist.

"Its so pretty," Frisk said in surprise, the chain was a pretty white metal with little save star ornaments on it. "What's it for?"

"That bracelet will one day help you in some way, what it does depends on what happens. Don't worry about losing it, it will reappear every reset and repair itself if broken," he told her.

"Thank you, but why are you helping me?" she asked.

"Sometimes, people just need a push to keep going," Traveller said, then pushed her down the hole.

"RUUDE!" she screamed as she fell.

"Happy?" Traveller said, eyeing a being invisible to others.

Gaster grinned, he both loved and hated the kid for the normal runs and the genocide run. So.. he'd arranged the Traveller to help and prank the human child.

A white dog gave a laugh like bark by there feet.

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