Chapter Twenty-Nine: Keep Doctor's away

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Traveller visits my story' I Chose to Run Instead of Breaking' you can see Nims full side there

He was getting back into travelling again, trying not to think on the lost time or the missing memories.

Traveller hadn't stayed very long anywhere, he might go back to visit the last world though. There was something interesting about that Error, an Error throwing themselves into the void and while ending in a Naj verse instead of the teacher route they became a steampunk style fashion designer.

He'd even picked up a plushy wearing steampunk outfit, totally adorable.


Traveller blinked, pausing as he was passing a multiverse.

"Fate?" he asked the voice, it was rare that a deity linked to a multiverse or Omniverse spoke to him.

Please! A favour Traveller child

Traveller was surprised, it was rare that Fate was good but that codes of this multiverse was a good Fate,

"I'm listening," Traveller replied.

Fate began to talk.


The sun was overly bright, it should be hot but the land was all too cold. In truth it was a wasteland, no one lived here anymore.

He'd unfortunately seen things like this before, but it never stopped from making the eternal child sad in some way.

Dreamtale rarely had good ends.

Twenty feet away he could see the trees remains, a stump that should have rotted away but somehow hadn't.

Ah.. there it was, almost invisible in the bright sunlight.

The Ghost of Nim.

"You have many regrets don't you?" Traveller asked walking the final bit of distance, the surprised ghost spun around.

"Who are you?" Nim asked sadly, there face depressed.

Of course, Nim thought he was truly invisible as true ghosts were.

"You may call me Traveller," Traveller said kneeling down by the trunk, he reached out with a gloved hand touched the damaged bark and he saw the ghost shiver as he did so.

"You... can hear me!" Nim said in shock, realizing Traveller did indeed hear him.

"See and hear, not that it matters much. Your Nightmare needs you," Traveller told him.

"I can't leave, I tried," Nim admitted slumping.

"Don't worry, I have something for you. A gift," Traveller said holding out a hand.

Nim gasped and took what the Traveller held.

"Your... not really a child are you?" Nim asked, looking at the perfectly formed apple in there hands looking as if it was made of fog.

"Good luck alternate grandmother," Traveller said with a grin "Its your choice to eat it or not" then they were gone.

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