Interlude: Fragments

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Thank you LilNevaland and KattraKnit for joining in for these fragments. I hope whenever i decide to do more and there will be, you'll join in again. maybe even more people in Discord.


The first world, or multiverse...

It almost killed them.

They were so weak, so vulnerable.

((We need to move)) Goth whimpered, they'd barely even arrived.

(We need to jump out of this place) Palette scowled, why did everything hurt?

Traveller gagged and threw up, thank the stars they were alone.

And for the first time they jumped ship on a multiverse, collapsing in between.

It was only when a strange Ink saved them, that they found out... about the magic issue.


The Traveller hated shopping, each multiverse he swore had there own sense of fashion.

Fashionverse had left a bad taste in his mouth.

Yet sadly he did need new clothes, and he wanted it to be his own style.

Really, you think with half of the Traveller being Palette Roller they'd be able to design clothing to fit themselves.

You'd be wrong.

You'd also be wrong on how it was decided, they'd accidentally ending in Winetale and the air literally filled with fumes. They got drunk from the fumes alone, when they came to with a hangover from the Void and new clothes spun from there joined magic.

They decided to keep it.

That, and never ever go to any Winetale ever again or drink ever.


"Well, hello there!"

"What..." Traveller said in disbelief, it was a hedgehog made of flames.

"You can call me Fire little Traveller," the hedgehog said in a female voice.

"Who are you?" he asked worriedly.

"Well sweetie, I'm your admin," the hedgehog smirked.

"Whats a funking admin!" he cried frustrated.

"Exactly," she said.

Well, that explained nothing.


By KattraKnit

Fresh 404 leaned back against the original rainbow plum watching Arco-Iris chase him cousins around the orchard playing tag. This had changed in the orchard since the day they had found Traveller not far from this very spot.

The loud splash of Inky falling into the pound that had formed in the rainbow impact crater only got a head shake from Geno as he cuddle three month old Goth. "Inky never learns those black koi you put in the pond are never going to let him pet them."

Fresh 404 laughs hard as Arco-Iris chose that moment to land on one of the larger koi who swam past Inky. Arco smirked and stuck his tongue out at Inky.


Since that day, when he was attacked he knew something was after him.

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