Chapter Nine: You are Error... no not you

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The Traveller was very impressed by the chaos.

And he didn't mean the admin Chaosdancer12.

Even if she was here also.

And a whole wack of other admins.

"What's with this place?" He asked himself.


Where was his admin, Fire always hung around with these people.

"Fire?" He called, the oldest of the admins usually replied when they called her. Well, when they knew that she was their admin.

He frowned when he got no reply.

Which was strange, as this Multiverse had her energy everywhere.

He took one last look at the admins, and then, he left.

It took several hours for him to find Fire, but he tracked her down.

To a closet?

Gently, he knocked on the door.

"Shhhhhh..." A voice said, Nightmare's voice.

"Are you okay?" Traveller asked.

"Oh, this is just perfect, an intruder, but that axetale Temmie had skittles." Nightmare said.

"She fell asleep, you're safe." Traveller giggled a bit.

The door creaked open and Nightmare exited the closet, followed by... a female Error?

He winced a bit, as his mind kept wanting him to see Error as a male.

Wait... no one else was in the closet.

But he could clearly feel Fire?

What... The... Hell...

And it was both Goth and Palette who had that thought...

Why did the female Error feel like Fire?

"Kiddo, are you alright?" Error asked.

"Yeah, Um.. I have a strange question." He said.

"What?" Error asked, trading looks with Nightmare.

"Do you want them to find you?" He asked, thinking of the other admins, who were looking for Fire.

Error paused, with a strange look in her eyes.

"Yes..." She whispered, with an unglitched female voice that sounded like it was coming from a place that was so far away from their current location.

Nightmare looked at Error in shock, hearing the female sounding voice.

"Then, everything will work out." The Traveller said smiling.

"Wait.. What's going on?" Nightmare said, with his extra appendages bristling.

"Don't worry, it's just a story being told." Traveller giggled, and then, he vanished into shimmers of rainbows.

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