Chapter Thirty-Four: Up to Karma

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Huh, so many characters here. My eternal Traveller sneaks in visiting a rather lost Goth... a Karma. Enjoy this surprise philippaki since I kind of didn't ask to visit your 'GothVerse' on Ao3

"He looks so sad."

"I know Blue, I wish I could help him," Shell said peering at the image of the tiny Goth, or rather Karma.

"The Other Dreams, are so... weird," Dream said making a face "The swap one Oneiro is the most stable and that's saying something."

"Is there anything we can do to help him?" Blue asked hopefully "He'd come across the image of the tiny Goth when looking for a new place to visit with his friends."

"We can't cross into that Omniverse, there's to many cross overs between multiverses right now I'd rather not cause more problems for the child," Shell said unhappily.

"It seems unfair, reincarnating or not there still a child... children need both negativity and positivity to grow and he's drowning," Dream said frowning, why were so many of the Dreams the child upon so.. mentally ungrown?

"I could do it without issue," a child's voice said, Shell's face brightened.

"Traveller, think you can help him?" Shell asked, the dual souls eternal child stared at the image of Karma.

"I won't be able to speak with them, but I can leave them a gift... he's a Goth... we're prone to find our own ways even as lost as he is," Traveller said with Goth in charge.

"Cookies are always good," Retconned said, just suddenly there as he seemed to appear.

"I'm surprised Karma didn't call you forth,," Retconned smiled sadly.

"No.. it would take a lot, them giving up entirely and a spark to escape to call upon me," he said, vanishing again leaving a plate of cookies.

"Oh.. perfect," Traveller said grabbing a cookie, his powers covered it and it turned into a pin one would use as a scarf and looked to be made of a pretty crystal but looking like a cookie.

"What does it do?" Blue asked curious.

"Keeps his scarf secure," Traveller said, then laughed as they threw pillows at him.

"Like all my gifts, it will help him one day depending on his soul and magic and what he truly wants. It can't hurt him," Traveller said walking away. Then fading away to the sound of a door.


Traveller looked at the sleeping Karma, there face drawn and shadowed.

So very stressed.

Gently he placed the pin in Karma's hand, the other sighing there there sleep and there hands clenching around it and kicking there covers off.

"Hold on Karma, you'll get there sooner or later we all do," Traveller said covering Karma with there covers again, then leaving.

It was up to Karma now.


Me: Tries to sleep and fails
Me: Turns om Ao3... ohhh update
Me: Poor Karma... they need a Retconned cookie or the traveller
Me:: Still suppose to be sleeping, writes an update instead of going to bed

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