Chapter Ten: Blotchless Return

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You turn around, and you realize just how much time had passed.

It wasn't difficult to happen.

As time was something that happened to others, really.

It didn't help that time could be very strange between the Multiverses.

The Traveller had once left a Multiverse, and he realized that he had forgot something. He went back inside, and he found out that he was actually years in the past. It could get rather.. awkward.

(It's only been six months since we left) Palette said after a few minutes of silence.

((But we can't control when the doors drop us)) Goth said, feeling guilty.

(I just wish that place was a forever home) Palette said sadly, the codes of that Multiverse never quite agreed with him. It was as if the codes were itchy, how.. he didn't know?

They had wanted to stay, the Ink there was pretty much their kid.

But it hurt to stay there, they needed to find their final home... and Ink loved his Multiverse too much to leave it. Not that they could bring him, Ink had his Destiny as a Creator.

"A visit.. yeah... that would be nice." Traveller said, and he quickly began to head back to where he could slip into that Multiverse again.


"What... the.. heck.." Traveller said.

The AU that he'd raised Ink in was gone, returned to sender... welcome back to being the Anti-Void.

Actually, from what he could feel, there were a lot of blank spots were AU's should be.

Traveller frowned, and he pulled up the codes of the Multiverse.

He'd learned to do this quite awhile ago, and learning to program said codes were a mess.

"A thousand years..." He whispered in horror.

Which, wasn't supposed to happen. Six months should have meant 6 months, either in the future or in the past.

Unhappily, he scanned the codes, Ink had been creating but at a pace that the Multiverse could grow around. No Error or a destroyer, as there had been no reason for one.

Yet, where the heck did his house go?!


Ink fell back onto his bed with a groan, today had been a bad day.

Three AU's and all their copies...

Just gone.

He'd barely managed to save his house when they struck the AU that Father had raised him in, but thankfully, other than that, it was an empty AU. It wasn't the same though, and nothing that he could do in the doodlesphere could recreate the ambience of the old AU.

Things were such a mess.... They had a freaking TK Sans that went nuts and somehow, he was using time to wipe AUs out.

He'll let Sci figure that one out, but they had to stop the kid.


"Why the heck do I always seem to come across battles." Traveller muttered to himself, with a purple eyelight taking in a battle between what looked like a warped, insane TK Sans and the rest of the Multiverse.

The Multiverse was loosing by the way..

After all, this TK seemed to be controlling time in ways only a time god could.

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