Chapter Forty-two: Memories of Yesterday Part One

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philippaki asked me to write again with a crossover chapter, based on one of the things we role played jokingly. We we're only planning one chappy, instead it got epic size.... enjoy.

Karma was glad that daddy seemed much happier lately with Nightmare here but he was still rather bored. It seemed they had even less time for him lately and even going around the home with Ink got dull after the tenth time. It would be nice if he could go outside again but for some reason that was no longer allowed, so he mostly spent it in his room.

Holding his rainbow bear plush he huffed annoyed, as today no one could spend time with him. 

He just wanted to go out again...

Between Omniverses

Karma stiffened as he found himself in this weird place again but couldn't help the way he lit up in excitement. This place was so much fun and there was so much to do! Much better than home at the moment.

He gleefully explored some more, often spending the most time in his 'room' or the art room, which weirdly looked cleaner then the last time he had been here. Had the owner of this place been and cleaned up..?

Shrugging that thought off he continued painting, only stopping when he realized that daddy may not be very happy with him being away for so long.

That is when he received another shock. Apparently time in this place was weird, as when he went back home he found out that no time had passed at all. This place was awesome!

After that discovery he started to visit this weird place more and even felt more confident staying here for longer periods of time. It's not like daddy would notice either way.

He was currently in his 'room' looking at the books on the shelf with interest. It was an odd selection of books with something called 'Judge magic' having a whole shelf to itself. He preferred the ones about animals and stars, surprised some constellations happened to match the markings on his wings! Didn't he already know that though?

He wondered what else he could learn here and remembered he had passed a library the first time he had been here. Maybe he could surprise dad with all the things he learnt! They seemed a tad stressed lately, so hopefully this would cheer them up.

Humming he made his way to the library, surprised he didn't get lost, considering he had only seen it once before. Was his memory finally getting better..?

Shaking the thought off he skipped over to the books, looking over them in interest. There were so many but he had no clue where to start.... Maybe just starting at the shelves closest to the door was best?

Karma was happy with his plan but stiffened as he noticed that someone else was here. It seems it was time to go!


It had taken Karma days before he felt confident enough to try and go back and he was relieved when he didn't sense anyone when he arrived. Why was he also disappointed?

He was enjoying his little routine, so was shocked when he once again sensed the same being as before nearby. He wanted to leave but stopped himself before he could do so, feeling an odd urge to see them in person.

Squeezing his bear plush close he cautiously made his way towards the odd SOUL, feeling an equal sense of dread and anticipation flow through him. He peeked his head through the library door and was very glad they were not facing his direction, as it gave him a chance to look them over.

...they didn't look scary but daddy said he should be careful of other beings, as not everyone was nice. He fidgeted in indecision before deciding he could make it a game. Sure the stranger might not know they were playing but that just made it more fun!

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