Chapter Seventeen: A Child among Monsters

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Today we have a lovely chapter where Traveller visits  MistraltheSkelegirl story 'Monsters? No, Family!' and they even helped co-write this. enjoy!

What a dark multiverse, was what the Traveller thought when he came across this new place.

It guardians, could be best described as Dicks with wings.

Hopefully he never got called that, and the whole demons and angels and gods.. and Lucifer?

It gave this poor skeleton a migraine trying to keep this multiverses timeline straight.

"Huh... the underground exists here also, but neither Frisk or Chara are the child down there right now," he mused, and allowed himself to phase through the barrier invisibility.

'So cute' he thought, spotting Toriel tucking a tousle headed human boy into bed for the night.

Then the boy looked right at him.

Traveller waited till Toriel left, then walked over and sat on the bedroom chair.

"I'm surprised you can see me, but children are very clear sighted unlike adults," he told the boy.

He sat up, wrapping the blanket around himself.

"You may call me the Traveller, I have other names but that's the one I chose.," Traveller told him "May I ask are you happy, as from what I can tell it wasn't originally your fate to end here."

"I'm happy.... I miss Dean, but I'm happy."

"Siblings are important, would Dean be happy here with you?" he asked curious, he was pretty sure the answer would be know as the older boy would see the monsters as Monsters.

"I dunno.... Dad taught him how to hunt...."

"I'm sorry, your brother has not learned how to see between monsters and monsters yet. He... would bring ever monsters fears to life if he came here, but he does love you very much." Traveller sighed as he'd seen the originals fate of the two brother's.

"Would you like something, a sort a promise... one day you will meet him again," Traveller asked softly.

"..... you can do that?"

"I can do many things, I can't stay here as it is not my home but I can help things along," Traveller said with a gentle smile, his wings phasing slightly in on a conceptional level before fading.

Sam straightened up. "Are you... an angel?"

"No... you'll know when you come across an angel, they have hosts that make them look very human. Most of them are jerks, best to avoid is possible," Traveller said making a face, reaching out he snagged one of his loose feathers which solidified into a glimmering white feather that rainbows seemed to play within.

Sam's eyes grew wide, watching Traveler.

Somehow Traveller reshaped the feather into a small metal charm that was white and still glimmered, then using magic he shaped a small bracelet of strange white metal he added the charm to. He leaned forward and placed it around the boys wrist, it slid on as if it was always meant to be there. It was unbreakable and could not be pulled off but the boy himself, and would grow with him.

Sam looked at it, then looked at him.

"One day that will help you, I don't know what the bracelet and charm will do but usually they are most needed when you least expect it. Mind you, for all i know it might just be a fancy light," Traveller said getting to his feet.

Sam suddenly hugged the skeleton. "Thank you..."

Traveller gently tousled there messy hair "Don't thank me, you have a new story ahead of you that will be much nicer then your original," he told him.

Sam looked up at him, a little confused.

"Just remember this Sam Winchester, Souls are power. Keep yourself strong and your soul will guide you right, you have a lot of friends waiting to meet you," Traveller said, and started to phase out of reality.

Sam smiled at him, before he realized something. "How'd you know my name, I never told you...."

"Its written in this multiverses very stars," Traveller laughed, then he was truly gone leaving Sam alone again.

Sam looked around, then looked down at the bracelet and charm.

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