Chapter Forty-Three: Scenic Banter

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Did you know, we have dirty shippers shipping for Traveller/Oneiro. Eww... no

Traveller smiled as he looked at his phone which had pinged with a message, Oneiro had sent him a multitude of pictures of Karma. Smiling, he sat down on a tree branch as he had been flying when it came.

"So cute," he said with a smile, he hoped Karma was having fun. He had wanted to be there, but Karma was a free wandering soul like himself and needed to explore.

He tapped at his phone, messaging the other monster.

Hearth: you filled your phone memory with pictures didn't you, will I come back home to find photos everywhere?

Oneiro: Oh Definitely~

Hearth: The workroom across from the art room had photo albums you can use, its the one unlocked to everyone

Oneiro: Excellent, do you wish physical copies?~

Hearth: Of course!

He chuckled in amusement as the chatting stopped, likely Oneiro was raiding his workroom or watching over Karma.

Twenty minutes later a new message came in, grinning he landed in a safe spot.

Oneiro: Traveller... why does the back of the room turn into a snowy wonderland?~

Oh right, he'd forgotten about that with the whole 404 thing

Hearth: Oh that! Karma mentioned once he wanted to play in the snow sometimes but the islands is kind of a weird eternal spring-summer

Oneiro: Hearth. Why?~

He giggled, he could just imagine Oneiro staring wise eyed at the winter wonderland project

Hearth: I was curious if I could create a self contained winter area, who doesn't like sledding all year long

Oneiro: Its times like this I remember Palette is an Inks child~

Hearth: How mean T_T

Oneiro: Now your just trolling with me~

Hearth: Yup, either way the projects almost done. Just a bit of tricky coding and I'll be add areas outside the norm outside the home

Oneiro: Interesting~ by the way are you done pranking Ordeal?~

Hearth: Of course! I only visited once after all. Not my fault some of them are long term events <3

Oneiro: If you ever become adult I'm dating you for that spite alone~

Hearth: Ewww... sorry me and romance are a thing, even if I can age shift

Oneiro: I apologize

At that point the line went quiet, the Traveller sighed. Oneiro couldn't be serious, even in adult form if he age shifted his body didn't have any of the ability for such emotions.

Goth and Palette were soulmates, bound as one being for so long neither had such interest.

What was the term for no sexual or romance urges, ace? He wasn't sure.

He could do friends and family love though.

Hearth took flight again, cheering internally as he found what he was looking for.

For a waterfall of water fell eternally from a floating island, the spray and sunlight sending brief rainbows into the air. Flexing his wings he burst higher the air becoming a bit thinner and colder, moments later he landed on the islands surface.

With the amount of water coming down, you would think the island was huge but it was about the size of a school football field.

"Amazing.." he breathed, taking in the strange Vegetation all vibrant shades.

He found the perfect spot, the best view of the island and the waterfall falling for eternity.

Happily the Traveller began to take pictures.

Hearth: Want to see what I'm looking at?

Oneiro: Oh?~

Hearth: <sent attachment: Open>

Oneiro: Whats that place, looks like a nice place to visit with karma?~

Hearth: EverFallstale, There so rare and definitely taking Karma here

Oneiro: Unless he finds it first~

Hearth: Stars darn Oneiro, you just jinxed it

The following chat was amusing, but took his mind off Karma being out there mostly alone.

"It is a perfect spot," he admitted"

He couldn't wait.

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