Chapter Six: In The Dark

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And thus The Traveller visits Blackout

It was cute.

But definitely not for them.

Palette felt sad as they learned about this multiverse.

His father Ink was evil here, no one knew what had happened to him... only that someone called Blackout had taken care of him.

Dream his mother, was together with Blue and were expecting there second child.

Misty there oldest was freaking adorable!

((My parents are no together here)) Goth said sadly.

(That's too bad, neither of us exited here as outer codes) Palette responded.

((None of them will react well to us, due this bodies link to Ink)) Goth sighed.

"Not our happy ending then," the Traveller finally said, he took a look at Misty one last time.

Maybe if they were lucky they'd have an adorable sibling like that when they finally found there new home.

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