Chapter Twenty-Six: A Puppet the Mask hides

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I seem to be on a DreamSMP kick lately, still pretty new to it. so a lot of OOC probably. But enjoy

"Huh..." Traveller said.

This... multiverse didn't belong, for one thing its had no Undertale aspects at all he hadn't travelled far enough towards the edges to get a non related one. Yet he was still curious.


Traveller turned started, standing there wearing a mask and green hoodie could only be described a god.

"Pretty sure your place is far from where it should be," Traveller pointed out "Also.. pretty sure your wearing another face."

Its theirs, but also mine the being shrugged.

"I'm the Traveller, whats your name?" he asked curious, the being tilted there head curious.

They call me DreamXD

"Mind if I took a look at your world?" he asked "We can even play a game."

Sure, what type of game?

"Tag, your it," Traveller said with a giggle, then vanished.

XD floated there for a moment, then vanished themselves.


Technoblade pause as he looked at the announcements, a dread rising in his stomach as he saw excited, annoyed or shocked messages of people reaction to DreamXd appearing randomly as if looking for something.

Blood for the blood god

"Quiet..." he muttered to the voices.

Pretty, ever so pretty god bird!

"Not now," he sighed, and then blinked and squinted when he saw something appear and fly off in the nearby woods.

He did not recognize them, and there wings were rather striking.

Grumbling he chased after the figure, after all DreamXd was looking everywhere for something and now a stranger.

Traveller Travels!

And one of these days find a way to stop the damn chat.


This world, or... server as its inhabitants would call it was huge and breathtaking.

Sure, he saw the signs of war and past troubles but it took nothing away from the promise of wonder.

He had found himself in a human form, his white hair pulled back into his hood and his golden glasses on his face.

From the codes his looks and wings wouldn't garner many looks, but his rainbow eye was still eye catching.

He and DreamXd had been playing for awhile, the mask clad god quickly learning the game.

Right now DreamXd was it, and he was taking a small break for a snack.

"This will work," Traveller said landing, he pulled out a picnic blanket and a basket of food.

He was so good that anything in an item pocket didn't age or change.

"Work for what?" a voice asked, Traveller squeaked a bit startled and spun around.\

The only thing that came t his mind was pig, and crowns.

"For a picnic," he answered after a moment of silence, and the others building agitation. "Would you like to share with me?"

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