Chapter Sixteen: A matter of falling Part Two

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I rewrote this too many times, find a home for treasure had to be just right. I was listening to the above youtube video as I finished most of this chapter

"Oh my gosh, hes so adorable," Ink said in awe, peering in disbelief at the tiny baby bones in his father's arms.

"Most baby bones are," Traveller said with a grin, gently adjusting the dozing baby. At this age, skeleton babybones subsided on there parents magic, Traveller wasn't this ones parent but he'd learned the basics in the past.

"Almost wish I'd come into being as a baby bone and not.. well.. pretty much fully grown," Ink said a bit enviously.

"You were a handful as a child enough for twenty baby bones Inky," Traveller mused.

"I was a bit of a devils child wasn't I," Ink grinned.

"A bit," Traveller agreed.

"Can... I hold him?" Ink asked curious, by this point Treasure had finished feeding on the travellers magic.

"Sit down, I'll pass him to you," Traveller told his son, moments later Ink was holding the infant form of Error in awe yet a bit nervous as the other was so tiny and fragile.

"There so precious, can he stay... a child of my own," Ink said, gently rubbing a hand over fragile dark bones.

"I wish.. but this multiverse would only harm him after a time, like it would me," Traveller replied regretfully.

"Oh..." ink said softly.

"But... he will be easier to find a good multiverse then myself, his magic resonates better with many then my own," the traveller finally said.

"Then let me cuddle as long as I can," Ink said happily.


"So you came to me," the other said, sipping on there tea.

"Yes, your everywhere so might have a good idea," Traveller said gleefully nibbling on a cookie, Treasure nuzzled against there chest snoozing.

"There are a few that might work, there's no balance in them so fate can't drag this little one into," Retconned said, placing his tea cup to the side.

"Thank you, my lifestyle isn't good for an actual child," Traveller said in relief.

A sudden crash was heard upstairs.

Both child like beings tilted there heads.

"No.... furby!" a voice cried.

"It's okay!" another even younger voice replied.

"Your kid?" Traveller asked curious.

"Whisper, and the younger one is Emerald who's teaching him friendship," Retconned replied softly.

"Huh..." Traveller said interested.

Retconned began to tell him of the latest events in there life, while writing down a list of places he thought be useful.


Traveller was rather tired, and Treasure was getting rather cranky.

They'd gone through twenty AU's so far from Retconned's list, ten of them there magic hadn't agreed with the baby bones. Five of them a few people had bad reactions to seeing Treasure, due to the local Error. The last five... he just couldn't find the right parent.

It was annoying about how hard it was.

He took a startled breath as he stepped into this multiverse, the magic prickled against his bones... but...

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