Chapter Thirty-Nine: Breath of Choice

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Soft music filled the air, teased from harp strings and from child hands.

The moon was high in the air, an unforgiven red as strange particles of malice trailed through it.

Traveller peered at that cursed moon, hands continuing to play.

He huffed as cursed beings known as monsters stalked around below, as he'd settled upon the remains of a tower to far above for them to get to but they could smell it.

A cough was heard behind him, his ever changing eyes shifted to the other being in the tower face damp from sweat and illness.

This place was strange, he'd come across it and curious as it did not belong he'd.. well.. wondered in.

He had been amused to see his form shift to fit among it species, which was fine as he'd rather not have them attack him thinking he was one of there monsters.

The eternal child apparently looked like a hylian, the pointy ears were funny. his hair fell into a curly silvery-blond mess to his chin and his eyes shifted colors much slower here.

This world had been hit with an unending war he'd seen, from the stories in town it was a cycle of when a great evil would raise itself again.

It was... interesting, and apparently he'd missed the last rising of a giant glowing pig?

He wasn't sure, just that the hero had saved the princess and they'd wondered off. He doubted they'd gone far, as he'd heard strange tales of hundred year sleeps and a cursed castle.

Then... he'd found himself high in the sky, on a neo floating island.

The red moons had started to appear then.

He'd been about to leave when a hylian male had stumbled into him, literally.

Sick and dazed, shocky a bit and had a very strange arm.

Oh.. and very very wet.

He couldn't exactly let them wonder about like that, so followed behind the blond to make sure he was alright.

Good thing he had, as they'd collapsed.

Sighing Traveller had dragged him to the tower he'd been staying in, making sure to block the entrance below to keep monsters out. He was definitely not flying someone that high, the weight alone would be a pain for his small form.

"Zelda..." came a raspy voice, followed a hacking cough the hylian trying to get up.

He wished they were near a town though, while he was good at healing injuries illnesses were hit and miss so he could only take the edge off.

"Not tonight, not till your well enough," he told his unknown guest, easily pushing him back onto the bedding he'd set up. They tried to fight in, but there illness pulled them back to sleep.

His harp continued to play, the only soothing sounds that night.


Link... was rarely sick, so it was confusing to wake with a body that went from burning to ice cold randomly and a throat feeling as if sand was rubbed angrily inside it. This was not a familiar place, but right now he bet a lot of places would not be familiar.

He clenched his hand and his other hand, bits of terror still in his mind screaming at what had happened.

"Oh good your awake," a voice said cheerfully, he looked frantically around and spotted.. a child?

They wore an unfamiliar style of robes, and there hair curled around there face.

He could barely function so he hoped they were not Yiga, those guys were enough of a pain and that's before there banana obsession was added in.

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