Chapter Sixteen: A matter of falling Part One

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He couldn't take it anymore.

The Destruction.

The never ending Death.

The Dust that coated his bones no matter how much he washed.

Then there was the hatred, he had no true friends. Nightmare's gang were more allies, and Blue... Blue was trapped in his AU by his brother.

Today though, Ink had gathered up thousands of Sans uncaring that some were originals and if they died there Au and copies died with them. There attacks desperate and filled with there hatred, hatred towards him.

No one wanted him.

Fate saw him as her toy.

Ink saw him something in the way of everlasting creation, Error never knew if knew of the balance or not.

Not that it would matter in a few minutes.

"You want creation till the end, you have it," Error laughed, opened a portal to the void and stepped through.


"My Child... you have changed your fate," a voice said.

The Traveller hated multiverses like this.

"I will heal you," the voice continued.

Freaking Destiny, who thought she was saving Error by changing his age, multiverse or body to start over never doing anything to heal his mind and soul.

There were many Error's this did help. But he'd come across the aftermath of this route too many times that ended badly to like it.

"A new start, a new life," Destiny continued.

Destiny who stood and rarely did anything about fate, a bystander to torture.

In ways Destiny was worse then fate.

And he could tell this was a Destiny who had stood by and watched Fates insanity.

"Not on my watch lady, if he gets a new start you won't be choosing where," he said.


"Error...?" Destiny said bewildered, her child missing from her grasp.

The Traveller was long gone.


"Oh wow... your so cute," the Traveller said a bit shocked, as this Destiny had gone baby Error timeline. Carefully he shifted the sleeping neo baby bones, and checked them.

Name: Unknown

HP: 10

A Second chance, memories sealed till older.

The traveller sighed, and using a bit of magic shifted Errors code.

Name: Treasure (Temporary)

Hp: 10

A Second chance, will slowly remember as they grow older.

"Well, come on treasure. Lets find you a home and a real name," he gently said as the baby bones woke.

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