Interlude: Maybe time for a break...

166 19 7

Don't ask, this Traveller update came out due to a weird Dream

"You!" a voice said angrily.

"Me?" Traveller said pointing to himself confused,e he's only just gotten to this multiverse moment ago.

"Yes you!" a women said stamping towards him, she was glowing and looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"Can... I help you?" the eternal child asked confused.

"Don't you dare take my Error!" she screamed.

At that moment she was hit with a taser,  by a rather embarrassed Ink.

"Sorry, Aunt Destiny is a bit obsessed with Error," Ink said dragging Destiny away.

(Goth....) Palette said.

((Yeah.. lets leave)) and he quickly fled.


"Your not Palette! who are you!?" Goth cried.

"I am the Virus," a blank faced Palette said to everyone's horror.

The Traveller left, he was not dealing with this.


"I'm starting to think we're being trolled here, Traveller said dryly.

It was a cookie world.

In a cookie Multiverse.

In a Cookie Omniverse.

Where Epic was god.

"COOOOKIE!" cried the living meme.

"Retconned must never come here..." he said before fleeing the insanity.


"Oh Nightmare! I'm so sorry.. forgive me," Dream cried swooning to be caught by Nightmare.

"Dream, no its my fault blaming you... so much time lost," Nightmare cried tearing up, somehow being purified of the apples curse.



The twins began hugging, and sobbing together.

"Is.. this place on drugs?" Traveller muttered, as everyone good and bad weer watching and crying in joy even the local Ink and Error. It was as if it was a badly written fanfic, or drama.

(Lets.. go on vacation...) Palette said so done.

((Lets go buy one of those magical tents from those Henry Pointer Wizarding words and just camp between Omniverses for awhile) Goth suggested.

(Henry Pointer?) Palette giggled as they slipped away.

((What.. did I misremember there name?)) Goth asked.


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