Chapter Thirty-Three: Awakening

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Awakening in a giant Collab reality with multiple series crossing over. I suggest reading there stories, you can check out at least two of them Lunazul3000 and Originalsparkstar who helped me with this chappy

It was out of place, that was the first thing Traveller thought.

"What in the world.." he said as he landed outside of the multiverse... verse... there only seemed to be one world here.

Maybe a Naj?

Yet what was off about it, frowning he went to the edge of it and threw himself back with a curse.
He'd almost been pulled inside.

"What the stars," Traveller said pulling up this places codes, he rubbed at his eye sockets as garbled codes met his sight.

"AwakenedVerse?" he read, he was pretty sure that was it as the codes were messy to say it lightly.

"No.. not a verse... a self contained reality I think?" he said squinting, wishing he could just grab the code and shake it to see if it made more sense.

Groaning he floated there trying to make sense of things in the codes, it was like someone grabbed a whole bunch of admins/Creators and mashed them into one world but there normal human selves from there own worlds.

"OC's?" he finally aid catching another unscrambled sentence.

"What the stars... why does there seem to be a living blank spot moving about in the codes," he hissed feeling a headache starting, then he froze as a certain code appeared.

"Fire...?" he whispered.

"What's she doing there... its like she's there but still back with the other admins at the same time, why is another code overwritten part of hers!" he said feeling panic.

"Come on... let me see more codes, why the funk are there hundreds of admins here!!" he shrieked.

"List.. give a list of names, these admins are here but also back where they belong. This doesn't make sense," Traveller cries as he's ripping through the codes grabbing and copying the names and ID's of those trapped within and the body ID's they now had.

"Argh!" Traveller cried as something painful blasted him far away from The Awakening reality, he landed painfully on one of the floating islands between everything.

Painfully he got up wincing in pain, he hadn't felt such pain... in a very long time.

"Holy..." he whispered as he stared towards the reality, as a corrupt looking eye seemed to open and stare at him then seven other eyes.

Then they closed, leaving a visible layer of miasma surrounding the reality.

Traveller could no longer access its codes.

"No one is going to going to believe this," Traveller said with a panicked laughed, then sighed realizing whatever those eyes are had corrupted the list he'd made.

"Well.. I can't get in, nor find out how many admins are there... " Traveller said unhappily, the most he could do here was create warnings for any wanderers to keep them from getting closer as he did not want to know what happened if anyone got pulled through.

Nothing good.

For a moment the reality seemed to glitch, the miasma almost void like.

He shivered.

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