Chapter Three: Dream a Potter

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Happy to say I got permission from @MistraltheSkelegirl to visit 'Dream Potter? Wait, WHAT!'

"Its like adorable," Traveller breathed.

They had come across a multiverse where is was a semi crossover, where Nightmare adopted Dream as a sister as young Children.

(Whats Harry Potter?) Palette asked.

((A supposed magical children's book, where the supposed win only killed the main bad guy but left the rest of the bad guys still in position)) Goth said, he hadn't been too impressed by the epilogue.

(Isn't Harry a boys name?) Palette asked.

((I think this is what they call a slight gender bent multiverse)) Goth replied.

(Moms.. counterpart is so much happier then my mom was) Palette whispered sadly.

((We'll find our happy ending one day)) Goth replied.

At the moment they were in the human AU, where no monsters were.

They had been first surprised to find themselves in a human body, there visible eye was still purple and there hair was white that reflected other colors when light hit it.

"Hello Mom.." Palette whispered, wiping away a tear.

Smiling bitterly they left, missing the scene of Nightmare spinning around trying to locate them from there feelings alone.

The Traveler had already moved on.

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