Chapter Twenty: A Fox In Strings Part 2

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"So what do you have planned?" Traveller asked curious, as they entered the apartment.

That was a good question indeed.

"Clothes for the kid you Pile of bones." Kurama reminded him.

'Oh right.'

What? He had a lot on his mind.

"Let's see about some clothes to get you to fit in." Error look at him.

"We haven't had anyone choose clothing for us since..." Traveller trailed off, his face briefly filled with extreme grief for a split second before vanishing.

Error stared and motion him to sit down. "Why don't you tell me what you comfortable in first."

"I'm fine in anything really, neither of us has preferences anymore. As longs as I can keep the pendent with me," Traveller said tapping the familiar Gaster blaster pin from Reaper.

Error nods and leans back.

"Did your Reaper and Geno get together in your Original multiverse?" Traveller asked quietly.

Error was silent for a bit. "Not exactly. There were some ups and downs in the relationship. Last time from what I remember hearing. They were on a break but still talking."

"So Goth is unlikely to be born if there relationship is so weak, hopefully Palette won't be born then or he'll be very lonely," Traveller muttered under his breath.

Error decided not to asked and pulled out a notebook. After a bit of a rough sketch he showed him. "Will this do?"

The white haired godling blinked and smiled, it even came with a scarf. "I like it."

"Alright Imp." Error pulled out some needles and turn back to his skeleton form. Small hand sighs so he'll be alert if anyone comes in and just see an illusion of him as Naruto. "While I get this ready. You can talk to Lillian and Fredrick if you want."

"Lillian and Fredrick?" Traveller asked curious.

Points a needle at the two potted plants. Could clearly tell they were different but still plants.

"Oh! The plants... wait... they.. aren't like the plants from junglenaturetale right?" he asked with a shiver, no.. must block memories... so many vines.. so many innocent looking plants. I said block the memories already.

Ahh.. there is was, trauma away.

"Lillian sweet but sassy and Furball says Fredrick a jerk. But their not like them. Just nice plants." Error shrugged and began to get to work.

"Okay," Traveller said with a shrug, mind you plant talking wasn't one of his skills as far as he knew.

In the end though, he ended up a nap by the two plants.

Error glance at Traveller.

A blanket was now on Traveller body.

"Mama... papa" Traveller cried in his sleep, then went silent.

Error stopped a few seconds.

He stands up and walk over to sit by him.

Traveller gripped the Gaster Blaster pendent in his sleep, a singular tear slipped down his face.

Being a god, did not stop Palette or Goth from having nightmares... or reliving memories of the end of there multiverse.

Error sees the tear and wince.

It brought back unwanted memories.

Traveller suddenly stirred a bit, groggy eyes opened and blinked.

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