Chapter Forty Five: Not Done Playing Part Three

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The final of 'Not Done Playing'

It was strange...

Blue had the strange feeling to scream in frustration, not about the Frisk situation but something else. He clearly needed more downtime if he swore he was feeling others emotion's, Dream was the one that felt others emotions not himself.

He looked at the false night sky of the underground, it seemed so far away and untouchable.

He opened his bedroom window, climbing out at the odd angle and climbing onto the room being careful of the slippery snow. Clearing off a spot he leaned back to to stare at the fake stars, wishing he could see the real stars again.

Finally relaxing of says of paranoia, he fell asleep on the room.



Stars... as far as one could see.

It was like a sea of them, ever growing specks of light representing far away Suns.

"Beautiful aren't they?"

Blue froze at the unknown voice, he turned and stared.

An unknown figure stood there in the darkness, hooded and too indistinct in the darkness to make out any of other features.

He must be dreaming, his dreams we're like mystery novels sometimes.

"Yes it is, you feel as if you could reach out and touch them" he admitted.

"What would you ever do with them, if I could grab them I'd be taking a Nebula" the other said, the mysterious dream character sounded young like a child.

"If I could I'd make a living coat of stars, then no one could take the stars or sky from me" Blue grinned.

"Sky huh, did you know Sora means sky..."

"Sora I like it!" Blue laughed "Call me Sora then, or Blue is what what I go with my friends"

"Call me..."

"Pardon, I couldn't hear that?" Blue asked curious.

"Sleep well Sora..." the figure said vanishing.

Blue went back to watching stars.


You sleep a lot

Blue yelped and almost fell off the roof at the sudden voice.

Suddenly ribbons that looked like solidified magic of celestial gold grabbed him, he felt himself being securely

"Woah! Don't sneak up to a sleeping monster like that!" Blue said breathing heavily clutching at his chest, his soul beat heavily like a humans heart would.

Sorry a voice chirped.

Then Blue realized he was suppose to be alone on the roof, the only access up was via climbing out his window. His head swung to his right, first his dream and now awake a stranger was there.

A rather striking stranger...


Staring is rude!

A very tiny skeleton child floated in the air in front of him, they had Star shaped eyes were Celestial gold. They wore strange robes and ribbons covered there form. There feet were bare but for ribbons tied around them and floating around them like almost shoes? There 'belt' was a wispy cloth/scarf like item that wisps of magic slipped off. They had feathered wings, at first he thought the feathers were white but like the rest shimmered Celestial gold which seemed a theme with them.

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