Chapter Thirty: Memoir

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This was co-written by DarkMidnightDragon this verse crosses with a verse alternate timeline, that deviates alooot off Memories. Pretty much we roll played an alternate timeline verse, I told her I was stealing it for Traveller and she said sure. so enjoy the different writing styles then usual.

A Door of black stone shimmered into view, edged in obsidian.

Goth opened the door and entered, looking around once he did.

It was the space between, between one multiverse and Omniverses.

Where one misstep could lead to forever falling, or erased from existence.

Not far in the distance was one of those strange floating 'islands' of this place, but unlike everywhere else where there was darkness a figure by a fire could be seen.

Goth squinted at it. Did he need to reach that island? Goth thought for a moment, before summoning the white wings he normally kept hidden.

The person by the fire looked up startled as he got close, the flickering fire revealed a large golden-brown robes there upper face was hidden by a pair of golden shades that in shape reminded people of Fresh's shades.

Finally, Goth landed, keeping a distance from the stranger. "...hi?" he greeted hesitantly.

"Hello, you quite off the beaten track of people that travel this way," the child said, they could have been from age seven to ten there age that hard to figure out. The bit of there face visible, showed they were a Sans child but not who there parents were. Many would get a deja vu feeling when they saw there whole face.

"I went the wrong way?" Goth panicked slightly, "w-well, I guess it's fine. I met you, and you seem nice. My name is Goth, but I go by Memoir when I'm travelling."

"I'm the Traveller, would you prefer Goth or Memoir?" the child asked curious.

"either's fine" Goth grinned. "It's nice to meet you, Traveller! May I ask you how... you got here?" he looked around.

"I Travelled, its what I do. But... can you show me what brought you here?" Traveller asked curious.

"key?" Goth mumbled. "well, there wasn't a key...but there was a feather!" he brandished said object. His eyes widened when he saw the blush, "huh. It's rainbow." he muttered to himself.

Traveller held out there hand, a smile on there face.

The other beamed and placed the feather on Traveller's hand.

Traveller pulled the feather closer, his smile going a bit strange. "I thought as much, your trial shifted left to bring you here. I understand though."

"you do?" Goth blinked. Wait, how did Traveller know about this? "what do I need to do?"

"This isn't your set of timelines, I know I exist in yours but I also can feel from this that Shell doesn't exist there. Which means.. your timeline went way off the rails compared to ours," Traveller voiced "Muninn where is your Huginn?"

"who?" Goth blinked slowly, "Shell? Hunginn? I'm sorry, but I don't understand..."

Traveller laughed "Mind/memory needs balance, they cannot exist without there Thought." The other child held the feather and crushed it into motes of magic, moments later he reached into the magic shaping it somehow. Moments later he was holding two beautiful slim chain necklaced with pendants hanging from them. One had amethyst eyes and the symbol of memory on them, the second had emerald eyes with the symbol of Thought on it. Carefully, he placed them into Goths hands.

Goth stared at the necklaces. "Thought...I need to find someone?" he asked, "I...need to find Thought?"

"Yup, You'll know him when you see him." Traveller said, then blinked as the door Goth had stepped through to come here changed. Now white with beautiful paint swirls on it.

"I have to go now...I'll see you sometime in the future?" Goth asked, wings already spreading.

"You won't see me, but the me of your timelines. Good luck and make sure not to cross the timelines on purpose, someone powerful set this up. Say Hi to other me if you meet them," Traveller laughed.

Goth chuckled, "alright, goodbye Traveller!" and he jumped, letting his wings catch the air to carry him across the chasm and towards the door. Towards Thought.

Traveller watched them go, snuffing there fire and smothered the embers.

"Wonder what there Palette is like." he said, spreading his rainbow wings and vanished.

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