Interlude: Spite

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Traveller never thought he'd have to sneak out of his own home, Karma had been extra huggy due to a nightmare and had actually demanded both his guardians to be near him when he slept.

But that wasn't going to stop him.

After all, he had to get revenge on Oneiro's brother for calling him the wife.

His stomach lurched at the thought of relationships like that, he was an eternal child and Oneiro was not attracted to children.

Even if it was in just, it was not something he would forgive.

He floated in the air above Ordeals home, wings phased out and making his clothes dark with magic. He unfortunately knew he was 'flashy' compared to many.

They carefully felt the emotions in the house, if they were clumsy Ordeal would register him due to own emotion magic. A grin went across his face, Ordeal was dead asleep even if a but troubled.

Floating down he phased through the building with death powers, eyes glowing deathly blue due to power usage.

Silently giggling, he changed Ordeals smokes with fake ones that when lit would smell like dead skunk.

Health first after all.

Opening there closet, he switched out the clothing for duplicates which after changing and around others would go invisible.

He walked around placing traps and pranks in the most amusing places, it would likely take weeks for Ordeal to find them all!

Yet another giggle escaped him, the house was like a giant game of mousetrap.

Too bad he couldn't place cameras around.

He slipped home, sliding into bed and cuddling against Karma.

Oneiro looked up from the book he was reading, bone brow rising "Had fun~"

"I have no idea what your talking about," he giggled.

He'd warn Oneiro was pestering.. er... visiting his brother for a few weeks.

"Whatever you say Hearth...~"

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