Interlude: Its the end as you know it

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Goth was dying.

Of course he was dying.

His multiverse was ending.

He'd been with his parents and siblings, Palette and Dream had been there also.


It was hard to remember..

But it was if everything had exploded/dusted/fallen into the void around him.

Right now, he seemed to be laying on a piece of the multiverse that was crumbling slowly beneath him.

"I'm dusting," Goth whispered, feeling all that was his body leaking away into fine powder. Tears slipped down his face, the only thing he'd managed to save of anything was his fathers Gaster Blaster pendant.

"Gothy..." a voice whispered weakly.

"Pally?" he said is shock, and a weak looking Palette leaned over him.

"Your here! I thought I was alone," Palette cried.

"At least you'll live," Goth said relieved, one of them would escape this horrid end.

"No... I won't make it either," Palette said with a sad smile.

"What.. why?" Goth demanded, dust shifted off his bones more.

"This.. whatever caused our multiverse to end... its damaged my soul... its shattering," Palette said bitterly, tears slipping down his face.

"Huh... look at us. My souls fine but my body is dusting," Goth giggles.. heck his lower legs were gone now.

"And my bodies fine, but my soul is about to shatter fully," Palette giggled.

There gazes met, a strange thought passed through there minds.

"Would it work?" Palette asked worriedly.

"If it was anyone other then my best friend probably not," Goth grinned.

"If we can't we'll die anyway, at least this way we can try..." Palette said.

"Together," Goth promised.

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